Injured helping another driver

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by asphaltcowboy4x4, Jun 5, 2021.

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  1. truckdriver31

    truckdriver31 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    that dude in the video has no arms and farms everyday
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  3. RocketScott

    RocketScott Medium Load Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    The good samaritan law is there to protect the person helping, which he was. Not relieve other's responsibilities because he's helping

    Everyone involved should be insured. Somebodies insurance should cover it, it's just a matter of figuring out who's. Sometimes it needs to go to court to figure that out. Suing shouldn't be the first option, but it is an option. Nothing wrong with wanting to be covered if someone else screws up

    I'd talk to a personal injury lawyer. Avoid the ambulance chasers that start talking about suing right away. Find someone that can understand the entire situation. Sometimes all it takes is a few letters from a lawyer stating the facts for an insurance company to step up
  4. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    thr lady driver is looking really guilty sent her a message last night now she blocked me or changed her number unfortunately I know the exact time and place she bought fuel at petro cameras records etc she literally trying to blow me off I just asked for her companies name now this …. Umm
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  5. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    That’s what I’m saying her company should cover it since most likely my workers comp won’t and I’ll be out of work 2 months the woman works for a company hauling usps mail they can’t afford a couple months of my pay but her blowing me off after even verbally agreeeint to pay half my medical bills well this woman is going down a path that won’t end well
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  6. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    I run flatbed I don’t slam doors
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  7. Mototom

    Mototom Road Train Member

    May 7, 2019
    I’m just
    suck it up.
    What kind of grown man can’t work over a single finger being broke.
    I’ve seen log cutters LOSE digits and be at work within a month.
  8. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    This is why I don't help anyone anymore. Someone will try and sue ya.
  9. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    Do you tarp and run flatbed strap? Lift heavy stuff fingers are needed door slammer not to mention I have stitches and a a bone split into threee will need metal work if I could work I would my company won’t let me I can’t pull off a 8ft drop tarp
    Weight over 100 pounds it’s my right arm
    Restrained mr Tough guy I could
    Slam doors all day long also I happened to be right hand barely get my belt on cloths etc but be mr.toughguy slamming doors
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  10. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    Because I’m right handed and tarp climb etc heavy stuff two months hopefully Was ######## the doc said need to see another guy that will do surgery but I can barely put my cloths on broken nail stitches like 8 or so bone clean break into three pieces one is floating #### hurts too they gave my oxy no fun men
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  11. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    And this is woman blocking me or changing number after I asked for her company and that’s sketchy as ####!
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
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