Does anyone remember......

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by supertrucker, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    ........ their first ticket and where?

    I recieved my first speeding ticket on route 24 west of Defiance in Ohio that was nice. I was doing about 75 mph with about 26 ton on a quad axle Western Star dump truck and I just caught a glimpse of a bear in a line of trucks and no one said a word There I was on the eastbound by my self so I start backing it down she come by me so thinking I'm in the clear I look in the mirror and yep she did a flip. By the time she got up to me I was pulling off the road in a Volvo dealer debating if I should try dumping the load, I didn't. I got of my truck and she got out of her cruiser and starts yelling at me ,she wasn't mad she acted like she had to talk to a deaf person though, I'm thinking she got me for 75 and is going to weigh the truck because she was watching my tires pretty hard but she didn't instead I got a 67 and a near heartattack. Oh and for those of you wondern' she was cute and I thought about askin' for her number but I figured that was a bad time.:smt080
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  3. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    You have to be kidding no one here has received a ticket, something doesn't smell quite right:smt083 :smt029 :smt083
  4. Cerberus101

    Cerberus101 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 25, 2006
    i don't remember my first ticket.
  5. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    Must have been bad and you are in denile - Dr. Phil:blah5: :happy3: :blah5:
  6. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    In a truck or car??? :D

    First one in a car was the day that WY went from 65 to 75. I got one for 76. Yeah the cop is a horses rear end.
    The next one I got in a car was a few months later. 20 over, that one was legit. Next one in a car I was having a bad day and not paying attention to the speed limit. That one was also legit but did not make my day go any better. I got stopped anther time in my pickup but my radar detector saved me, I nailed the brakes soon enough that he wasn't able to get a lock on his radar. I just got a warning that time.
    All of the tickets I've gotten for supposed speeding in a truck came from cops that were horses rear ends. All the ones I got were bogus big time, but I figured that they made up for the times I deserved one and didn't get one. :D
  7. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Then you would have been shovelling it back into the truck, and she would have pulled you onto the portables afterwards.

    My first and last one was when I was 17 driving my mother's car. I caught an earfull for that. Haven't had one since, but I came close a few times. Fortunately, I rarely frequent the states where cops tend to be the east ends of westbound horses.
  8. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    I don't want to remember this part of my life!:toothy9:
  9. timbo356

    timbo356 Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    St. Charles, Mo (in a car), 76 in a 60. "well, I thought the speed limit was 70,.. I mean, its an interstate and I was getting passed at 76."

    Maybe I'd left the last part off..... the truth isn't alway the best policy. My Alabama tag 500 mi from home probably didn't help matters.
  10. yevgeniyv.1980

    yevgeniyv.1980 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2006
    Speeding 5 years ago.96 in a 70 mile zone(was driving from TX to FL).
    Didnt have CDL yet.
  11. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    I'v never had a speedng ticket or accident in a truck but I did get pulled over about8 years ago for fallowing too closely. It was on the stretch of I94 between chicago and Milwaukee, in WI of course. Near bumper to bumper traffic. I tried to tell her that if I left proper fallowing space that I'd be stoped in the middle of the interstate from all the cars jumping in front of me but she didn't much care
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