Random LTL Rants (all are welcomed)

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by road_runner, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Gearjammin' Penguin

    Gearjammin' Penguin "Ride Fast-Truck Safe"

    Feb 18, 2007
    Central AZ
    Welcome to the Purple Planet, bro! :biggrin_25519:
    road_runner Thanks this.
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  3. cool35

    cool35 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 6, 2010
    Congrats road_runner!!! Happy trails!
    road_runner Thanks this.
  4. road_runner

    road_runner Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2012
    Got the best idea ever for putting in my two week notice. Gonna leave a cake on my boss' desk that says "I QUIT" :-D
    Marksteven and cool35 Thank this.
  5. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    I think he'd need a six pack or some scotch once he finds he's got more open spots
    Marksteven Thanks this.
  6. road_runner

    road_runner Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2012
    Worst part is, we have two vacant P&D spots that haven't been filled in two years. Third one opening this Friday. Now they are losing a linedriver that wanted to be in one of the three open P&D slots. Turns out FXF is offering me $3/hour more than what I currently am making. I should really step on some toes by spreading the word that we still need another P&D driver.
  7. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Yes you will make 3 more dollars a hour but they aren't as laid back as Reddaway/YRC
  8. road_runner

    road_runner Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2012
    I put in a vocal intend to resign. They asked me to not turn in a written resignation just yet.

    Some of the talking points that came up were that FxF is stingy about O/T pay. One of our drivers stated that a friend that he knows only gets less than 40 hours a week.

    Now they are talking about topping me out at our payscale (to get me as close to what FxF is offering me to jump ship).

    I am having seconds thoughts about taking a job offer I already accepted. I already did the test drive and all the other pre-hire process.

    Any thoughts?
  9. Glp

    Glp Medium Load Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    Oakland, CA
    Stay where you are at
  10. Radman

    Radman Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    Congrats on the job offer! If you get along with everyone there personally I would stay. But if there is major strife then maybe it's time to go. Like ACH1130 says Reddaway YRC is way more laid back. FXF is write up happy, sometimes they'll ask you to move or no work. That might have been when it was bad though 08-09. But I talked to a linehaul guy couple months back he was saying they wanted him to move to Bum F Egypt. He was like screw that! Terminal to terminal might be different though. Seems like they play a lot of games here though maybe not there. I put FXF a step below CWF as in a military work environment IMO. Goodluck.
    road_runner Thanks this.
  11. Gearjammin' Penguin

    Gearjammin' Penguin "Ride Fast-Truck Safe"

    Feb 18, 2007
    Central AZ
    "Stingy about OT pay?" They pay after 40, which is better than some LTL outfits(OT after 60? Get real).

    The 'write-up happy' thing happened for a brief time, and now that's gone; FXF threw that stuff in high range reverse when they saw the Teamsters truck outside one of their barns. Radman's correct to a point--seems like every barn is different. I do know that I've never seen any sort of management horror story at any of the yards here in AZ, but as always, YMMV. I would never consider FXF below CWF in any sense...at least we don't have cameras in our trucks and we make a whole lot more. Not to mention, there won't be any pressure to run illegal in any way. And it should tell you something that we don't have positions that we're unable to fill. :biggrin_25525:
    Shaggy Thanks this.
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