An old man's career goes flat, Snackbar moves to open deck

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by supersnackbar, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Truck got most of the work done yesterday. Had a slight coolant leak on the APU (thought it was the radiator, but ended up being the one hose that connected to the radiator). They are attempting to fix the one part on the APU that they wanted a dealership to do, but when I had the time, I was never near a dealer, and when I was near a dealer, I didn't have the time on the load. And as of last night, they hadn't pulled the satellite system, and I am not reminding them if they forget today.

    I already have my next load, and a local driver just pulled in with it. A 3 stop Genie load, on an old steel frame trailer. Louisville, Cape Girardeau and Memphis. May be the last load I haul for the year.
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  3. Winnyf1

    Winnyf1 Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Evansville, IN
    Yep next week will be doing it for many drivers, unfortunately I will be back at it right after Christmas this year…
  4. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    i’ll be home on the 23rd but going back out on the 28th
  5. hope not dumb twucker

    hope not dumb twucker Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Haven’t decided 100% maybe the 21or 23 home. Then back out the second. Haven’t decided would like to take the extra time off but bills gotta get paid donehow
    Knucklehead Thanks this.
  6. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    After being out since the 1st week of October, I am done for the year. 10 weeks used to be my absolute maximum, but this 12-14 week tour stuff has made me hate trucking in general. Plus, with the new weekly pay schedule, I can't take 10 days off in a row, so I will be back to my 5-6 week tour with 4-5 days off until income tax return time, then we'll see if that's enough to cover an employer change if I can find one that only has a 30 day wait for insurance coverage. I have had enough open deck for one lifetime, time for this old man to start slaming doors again.
  7. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    i took my long time off over Thanksgiving and New Year’s isn’t important to me so
  8. hope not dumb twucker

    hope not dumb twucker Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    I didn’t. Plus it’s about to be slow time in reefer world. Debating about it. Would like to watch 2 steeler games the 21st and Christmas Day.
  9. Winnyf1

    Winnyf1 Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Evansville, IN
    Yeah I tried your schedule this time @supersnackbar and have also been out since the 1st of October, I head home on the 24th and I’m back out the 27th, and will be for Jan…hopefully back to monthly hometime starting in Feb.

    Sorry to hear you are leaving open deck, I’m still not tarpping which I don’t miss all that much, but I love the variety of freight and the overall customer base. Maybe if I could do solely drop and hooks, I’d change, but no way do I want to deal with the stupid appointments ever again.
  10. 074344

    074344 Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2007
    Los Angeles, ca
    SSB, I understand how you feel about the change only mine was the opposite. For 20 or so years, we were paid weekly. My wife had the bills set up to be paid on the 1st and 15th of every month. Then about 10 years ago, the company wanted to switch to biweekly pay. As part of our union contract, it was excepted by the majority of our driver's since the company agreed to give us another paid floating holiday in exchange for the biweekly pay. Maybe payroll had a difficult time with the weekly pay schedule? I worked Monday through Friday being home every afternoon with weekends off. I mean, how hard could it be for payroll? Morons?

    What I don't understand in your situation is having a $0 paycheck or a minus paycheck when deductions are taken out if you take 2 weeks off? It seems to me that if you are going to take that much time off, you would use your vacation pay or sick pay to cover the time not working? Before I retired, I was receiving 5 weeks of paid vacation and 12 days of sick pay each year. I guess I'm going to plead ignorant because I don't understand.
    hope not dumb twucker and Oxbow Thank this.
  11. BM 58

    BM 58 Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2019
    I think it’s probably more of a budget issue than a weekly paycheck. For as long as he stays out and eating in the truck all the time he should have a better handle on the finances.
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