An old man's career goes flat, Snackbar moves to open deck

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by supersnackbar, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    After New Years, our sick pay resets to 0, it doesn't carry over. So it'll be a while before I have any to take. And I won't have any vacation until my anniversary in July. Before, on a 2 check pay schedule you could take a long hometime so it spread across both checks, so they would both be a little lower, but enough to cover all my medical and deductions and have leftover to pay bills. On a 7 day pay period, at least one will either be $0 or enough to cover my taxes and some of my insurance. So now it'll be less time out and then less time at home per tour.
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  3. kylefitzy

    kylefitzy Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2007
    Kansas city,Mo
    You can carry over up to 40 hours of sick pay, just fyi. I’m still not seeing the issue with weekly pay. A zero check and a full check is still the same as them being combined into one, except you get paid 3 days earlier now. No need to try to make me see the issue either, I understand every situation is different.

    I signed up for the new app account. Took less then 5 minutes.
  4. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Since I was in the office, Kelly and I took care of the signup. The biggest concern she and I both had was if the voided checks for the direct deposit were transferred from the old system to the new system when they transferred everything. Since I am using 2 accounts, I had to change how much I put on my prepaid road use money.

    My concern over the weekly pay is simply that if there is a carryover where you have to wait until Monday to deliver, then you only have until Friday to get a 2nd load in to make it a bigger check to make up for no pay for the previous week, if you don't get that 2nd load delivered by Friday, then it carries over and you don't make up for that 1st weeks no pay. If they would do a Tuesday to Monday pay period, that carryover to Monday would still be within the same 7 day pay period. But we're aliging our payroll with TFI's system, and they're primarily a box hauler that has the typical 7 day a week delivery operation where open deck generally is a M-F operation so a Sunday thru Saturday pay period doesn't work as well for us.

    And the way they explained the sick pay when we 1st got it, it reset at the end of the calander year, only the vacation pay would carry over until your next anniversary and then it would automatically be cashed out.

    And I just found out today that Kim in safety has moved on and is no longer with the company. She has been with SPD for quite a while, kinda a surprise to see someone who's been here that long move on by choice.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2024
  5. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    if you hypothetically drive 10,000 paid miles in a month, you get paid the same exact money at the end regardless of if you get paid weekly or biweekly. Yes, it may seem to suck if you get little or no money on a paycheck if you have hometime, but on the biweekly schedule, if you take a week off, you’re still only getting paid for a weeks worth of work.

    You’re overthinking it way too much

    I can guarantee you that you’ll end up with the same exact amount of money at the end of the day regardless of pay schedule
  6. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    Also regarding the deductions and stuff doubling on the next paycheck if you have $0 on a check, my last point still applies about if you take a week off on a biweekly pay schedule. You would still only get paid for a weeks worth of work while having the same exact deductions
  7. kylefitzy

    kylefitzy Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2007
    Kansas city,Mo
    As for KIM, well I guess times are changing. Apparently they needed her office for storage more then they needed her around.
    dwells40 and IH9300SBA Thank this.
  8. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    If you spread a 6 day hometime over 2 15 day pay periods, that still leaves you 2 12 day pay periods to run. If you spread a 6 day hometime across 2 7 day pay periods, you only have 2 4 day pay periods to make up for the time off. Big difference, especially when some of those 4 day pay periods are on the weekend when our type freight usually doesn't deliver.

    As far as how the carryover will be different, our current pay schedule is based on dates in a month, the new pay schedule is based on the days, once you carry over the 1st week, then have 2 weeks deductions taken out, then the carryover continues into the next month, so one month will be a week short on pay because that carryover rolled to the 1st week of the next month...then you take hometime, and then there goes another weeks pay being short. Bottom line, just like their new pay package, the only way to continue to make the same money as before is NEVER go home and eventually it will all balance out.

    I remember it being explained differently, not sure why. Really doesn't matter to me anymore. I have come to the realization that it was a huge mistake on my part to ever come back to any Daseke company based on how they handled the assimilation of Moore into Wylie. Once Don Daseke was retired and they went to being a publicly traded entity, the whole culture changed to profit over people at all costs. I have no business being in a general freight flatbed company anyway. After the New Year holiday, I will make a decision on which reefer company to work for and try to time it so my income tax refund helps cover the lack of a paycheck while I transition out.

    As far as Kim, she had been out in the bullpen next to Jada for about 5-6 months when they moved everybody out there so they could keep an eye on them. Maybe she just got tired of being in the general population with the rest of the cubicle dwellers, but by the way it sounded, it was her choice to move on. When I asked what happened, their answer wasn't a "we can't discuss it" it was a "she found another position elsewhere"
    dwells40 Thanks this.
  9. ElmerFudpucker

    ElmerFudpucker Road Train Member

    May 17, 2024
    Job hopping is expensive
  10. Winnyf1

    Winnyf1 Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Evansville, IN
    Fortunately I read the thread for entertainment, so wherever you land it will still be entertaining to see how things are going. Soon you’ll remind me why I’m happy to tarp in the summer heat vs ever delivering to a food warehouse again.
    ncmickey, 074344, hotrod1653 and 5 others Thank this.
  11. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Traffic is moving right along north of Omaha


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