Any ABF guys in here?

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by jgarciajr40, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. jgarciajr40

    jgarciajr40 Medium Load Member

    Jun 18, 2016
    Wife just got a job offer in Lafayette Colorado.

    I see ABF Denver is hiring.

    anyone have some insight; I see Denver is expensive to live.

    I know it pays $30.98hr. Time and a half at 8 hours, and 40. Cadillac health insurance with no premium paid by employee.

    what’s teamsters union dues? How that terminal. Is it a final mile, or a hub? I see it’s quite small.

    any other guys in the Colorado area doing LTL? I’m even thinking about leaving trucking altogether because the Rocky Mountains every day sounds scary as hell.

    going because my wife’s the bread winner now with job offer in layafette. So Ill be a house husband
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  3. hotrod1653

    hotrod1653 Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    Somewhere in America
    I don’t know about ABF in Denver, but I do our Cross Country terminal in Denver is needing some slots filled.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2025
    Reason for edit: Recruiting link removed
  4. Speed_Drums

    Speed_Drums Road Train Member

    Dec 26, 2014
  5. Moon_beam

    Moon_beam Heavy Load Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    As a city driver at the bottom of the board you will likely be expected to work the dock on the weekends. This has caused a number of drivers to walk off the job in the past. Denver has had a problem hiring drivers due to Colorado having legal Marijuana laws with people thinking that it applies to truck drivers as well which it DOES NOT. Dues are 2.5 hours per month so $77.00.

    There are 10 Distribution centers with Denver being a mini-distribution center. They load trailers for city routes in Cheyenne, WY and Billings, MT.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
  6. Fitnesstrucker

    Fitnesstrucker Bobtail Member

    Apr 13, 2017
    Moved to Denver from Florida a couple years ago, used to work for AAA Cooper down there, thought about transferring but went to XPO instead. Pretty much all the LTL's run to Wamsutter, WY, Wakeeney, KS, North Platte, NE and Grand Junction for Linehaul, not too sure about ABF, but i do see quiet a few sets rolling down I80 every night
    Old_n_gray Thanks this.
  7. Old_n_gray

    Old_n_gray Road Train Member

    Apr 9, 2016
    western pa
    I run out of Carlisle Pa as a road driver. It is real slow right now, ABF is real picky about what freight we haul right now. I know nothing about the Denver terminal. If anyone wants to hire on with us I suggest a trip to the terminal to look at seniority board and also talk to the shop stewards and the Ba to see how long until you are able to hold a bid.
  8. BeHereNow97

    BeHereNow97 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 15, 2020
    I always see the LTL guys swapping out in a dirt lot across the street from the new One9 in Wamsutter during the midnight hours. They do it in a lot that isn't even a truck stop, I wonder if the owners know the LTL guys are swapping on their property? Or maybe the owners just don't care.

    Side note: That new One9 is super nice. That's the only new One9 I've seen built since I started driving, all the other ones were already around.
  9. jmz

    jmz Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    Great Plains
    Most of the LTL companies pay for the right to swap out, even at truck stops. I believe Saia leases the lot next to One9, then if you keep going down the road you'll see FxF, XPO, and OD all have their own private yards.
    Cardfan89 Thanks this.
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