any info on Poly Trucking?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by hkbravo34, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Throwing iron is easy once you've done it the first time. In my almost 20 yrs of seat warming, I've done it twice. They were both on the same day. The 1st time took me forever, the 2nd took me 15 min to hang CA's minimum (both outside tires on 1 axle of truck and 1 axle of trailer), which aint lightning but for my 2nd time ever...a vast improvement from the 1st. There is a youtube video out there, or use to be, not sure if it is still there. It teaches you the basics on how-to...but its just like driving a can watch videos all day, but you only get good at it with practice and experience.
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  3. chemster

    chemster Medium Load Member

    Mar 2, 2009
    Louisville, KY
    We run super singles on our tractors and on some trailers. I need to get my chains out before winter and just see how heavy those things must be.
  4. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    This past winter was the first time I've ever put tire chains on, in 25 yrs of driving. I was going west on I84 in OR about to go down Cabbage Hill when chain law went into affect. I paid $40 to have someone else (2 guys) to it as I watched. Then I paid close attention as I removed them at the bottom of the hill. A few days later coming back east on I84 out of Portland I had to put them on myself just to get up the small hill by the Pilot at exit 188 because of an ice storm.

    Like SS said, once you do it it's not too bad. What makes it difficult is usually the weather. Cold & wet just to move a few miles.
  5. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    I've never had to deal with super single tires, I bet the chains are more bulky to handle.

    And cold and wet doesn't do it justice. But I was in 2' of snow going over Donner. I have since bought water proof gloves, knee high rubber boots and a water proof jacket just for chain up/down. I don't know if they work, since I bought them, I haven't had to chain... I call it chain proofing my truck. I keep that stuff in ther 24/7 365
  6. jimhydejr

    jimhydejr Bobtail Member

    Apr 30, 2006
    Kingsport, TN
    JD i work with Crete and am tired of only getting 2000 miles a week and short runs. how are the miles during the winter with poly? do they have paid vacation?
  7. RHJ

    RHJ Bobtail Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    you must average 2000 miles per week with poly from dec till febi was averaging 2600 miles per week
    jdrentzjr Thanks this.
  8. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    There is paid vacation, but it is only a flat $500. The miles during the winter depends on the driver & the weather. Like RHJ said, we are required to average at least 2000 miles per week. This includes time off. So the miles are available. There are plenty of long trips available. I'm currently on a run from Grand Prairie to Uxbridge,MA.
  9. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    Are you doing mostly TX to MI & back?
  10. RHJ

    RHJ Bobtail Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    no i mostly run to ga fl when to mn, planta couple north east, only got to mi for home time. i have been off scince feb when i crushed my ankle out side of huston cant wait to get backto work hoping for aug or sept
  11. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    I didn't know you got hurt. Hope you heal completely when it's time to return.
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