free money

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by mrjuggalo9er, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. lostcause

    lostcause Bobtail Member

    Oct 22, 2006
    About a year and half ago I was at the flying j in gulfport Ms I loat my wallet with all my money and cards In it I was on the other side of new orleans when I realised dispatch called and ole boy found it and put it in the mail : whats cool was I had about 50bucks in it It was still their.I trid to get him to take the money when i first contacted him.but he wouldn't. that right their is what truckin is all about to me .Hey very cool site!Ireally like this. I cant wait to get me a lap top so me and baby girl can stay in touch when we r workin:smt025
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  3. yevgeniyv.1980

    yevgeniyv.1980 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2006

    Good catch!!!
  4. thank you it made me feel better about my company paying for the toll ya know lol
  5. Driven2drive

    Driven2drive Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2007
    Ogden, Utah
    I find money on the floor in the back of my cab at the end of the shift as a matter of course. My best haul was a pair of President Grants.:happy3:
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