Hauling asphalt

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Davehrose1, Jan 14, 2025.

  1. Davehrose1

    Davehrose1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 3, 2024
    Hi everyone

    I’m thinking of starting to do Asphalt. What can you tell me or what advice do you have.
    Thank you
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  3. Lav-25

    Lav-25 Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    Here's what you might need from what i know and have done .
    - belly dump and or dump truck
    - are you going to do driveways , parking lots or highways ??? Or all the above??
    Owner Op with own trlr or hauling someone else's.
    Do you have connections with heavy construction companies or know people who do ???
    I did asphalt as a company driver and as a independant with some one elses truck ,
    Having connections is a biggy , cause it's a very small community and reputation is everything.
    Most asphalt is weather related so there is that and depending on the job , you might be gone to the site for awhile.
    It has it good and bad , but i enjoyed it.
    Puppage Thanks this.
  4. Davehrose1

    Davehrose1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 3, 2024
    Sorry. I wasn’t clear. I’m talking tanker from plant to terminal
  5. Lav-25

    Lav-25 Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    Oil is easy if you pay attention .
    Asphalt oil is from terminal such as chevron asphalt here in abq , around 80000 lbs in a dedicated oil tanker , if i remember correctly around 350 - 400 degrees , ( wear that safety stuff !!!) , drive to a asphalt plant and deliever it to there holding tank - sometimes your pump , but faster with theirs. Very very hot and very sticky !!!
    Where insulated chem resitant gloves , eyewear with shields ,long sleeves and heavy pants , they'll be used up in about 30 days.
    Davehrose1 Thanks this.
  6. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    Tanker is oil. Not asphalt. :)
    Davehrose1, Lav-25 and Speedy356 Thank this.
  7. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    I'd rather haul "schluck" than oil. Hauling hot mix is the best dump truck job you can have, and not very often do openings come up. Oil is a different ball game. A gal here tried that, and became sick from the fumes while loading. To be honest, I'd rather haul gasoline, at least it's clean. Good luck.
  8. Dave1837

    Dave1837 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2019
    Very very easy job once you get into the grind of things. Hardest part is the initial trial and error of loading yourself if you're not loading on a scale. Once you get your marker set inside of the trailer all you do is load and deliver. If you have the luxury of delivering after operating hours, triple check to make sure you have enough room in the customers tank. An overflow will easily get you fired.
    motocross25, Davehrose1 and Lav-25 Thank this.
  9. drh72

    drh72 Light Load Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Northeast Minnesota
    I enjoyed hauling hot oil...just remember to open your hatch before you start to pump off and to close it when empty. If you don't close it and get any water in your trailer it will boil over when you load the next one and you will most likely be locked out of the terminal for a week or two.
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