I heard this last week.

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by notarps4me, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. Miles_Of_Truckin

    Miles_Of_Truckin Light Load Member

    Sep 25, 2008
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  3. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    Very entertaining stories of stupidity. I didn't realise that bull haulers do that. I will be very cautious of those rigs.

  4. brinkj23

    brinkj23 "Asphalt Cowboy"

    Dec 26, 2005
    Yeah you dont want to peave off buffalo they are an angry animal. Grew up with a buddy who had a buffalo ranch. We were out in the field in the back of a trailer helping his dad with fencing around the field. Well turns out he forgot a tool and decided to run to the barn and leave us in the trailer in the middle of this field of buffalo. Well the buffalo got the idea to come mess with us, and five minutes later we had four buffalo on each side of the trailer ramming it side to side. Finally his dad came back and oddly the buffalo left as soon as he returned, never understood that one but I was a little freaked out cause that trailer was a rocking.
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