K&B Transportation. The real deal!

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by BigSean416, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. Rolling 50's

    Rolling 50's Bobtail Member

    Feb 29, 2024
    Not going to say anything good or bad about driving for this company because I never got that far. But fair warning, I'd been talking to a recruiter at K&B since last October, when I first decided to leave JB Hunt because I was being overworked. Over the last couple months I filled out the full application with K&B, went through several phone calls, got all my questions answered, and had literally gotten all the way to the point of them booking a flight to my orientation in Nebraska and sending me the flight information - it was booked for this Sunday afternoon. Made my plans, even started packing a couple of bags. Then later the same day, yesterday (MUCH later in the day actually, 10 o'clock last night), I got a text from the recruiter saying the safety dept had rejected my application due to my DWI in 2007. My only DWI. And there had been PLENTY of opportunity to introduce the fact that they go back 20 YEARS ON DWI's into the conversation before we reached the point of practically on-boarding me - OVER A NEARLY 5-MONTH PERIOD. There was no place on the application to list a 16-year-old DWI, nor did it ever occur to me to bring it up since nearly every company will overlook one DWI in your life. So I guess what I would say is, there's an obvious disconnect between the recruiting department and the safety department at this company. Make sure all cards are on the table before you assume anything. The recruiters apparently don't even know which cards to ask for.
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  3. LimpyLegs

    LimpyLegs Medium Load Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    Do they allow you to bring your own DOT card or will they make you get a new one?
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  5. Darkstar455

    Darkstar455 Bobtail Member

    Oct 10, 2024
    This is definitely a recruiter, evey kb driver i talked to says that company blows, if drivers are unhappy they will tell others how bad it is, the fact that you have to fly home for hometime is a joke, either let the driver take truck home and park or I'm not working for you. it's alright to work a month straight but it isn't alright to drive home? get out of here. trucking is ridiculous, and so is recruiters writing fake reviews about a terrible job.
  6. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    That's actually not uncommon. If they hure a driver that's outside of their running lanes, then a company could fly them home. I've heard our recruiters say the same thing if a driver wanted to drive for us outside of our running lanes. All that being said, I certainly wouldn't go that route. I'd much prefer to take the truck home or park nearby at a terminal.
  7. Cobrawastaken

    Cobrawastaken Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    Tulsa, OK
    This is probably the most entertaining post I've ever read on TTR. Thank you to the staff for actually uncovering the truth on OP's true identity and leaving the thread up to show K&B's disgusting behavior and desperate attempt to recruit drivers. I hate to imagine how many drivers were fooled by this recruiter before it was revealed that he was in fact not a driver.

    By the way, theoretically running out your hours in 6 days and then taking a 34 definitely can net more miles. Since your 70 hours won't be 100% drive time let's say you use 1hr on duty time per day and the rest of the day you average 60mph. If you use your 70 hours in 6 days that's 11.66 hours per day. Subtract the 1 hour on duty and that's 10.66 hours. That would be ~640 miles per day. 640x6=3840 miles. If you run on recap, you're using your 70 hours in 8 days so that's 8.75 hours per day. Subtract the 1 hour on duty and it's 7.75 hours. 465 miles per day. 465x7=3255 miles. Obviously this is very generalized and depends on the loads and lots of other factors, but that's why I said "theoretically" at the beginning.

    Edit: I want to add a third scenario. Using your 70 in 7 days. 10 hours per day, subtract 1 hour for on duty time, 9 hours per day. 540 miles per day. 540x7=3780 miles. About the same miles as the 6 day scenario, however now you need a 34 a day later every week. So if you run Monday-Sunday you're taking a 34 on Monday and then running Tuesday-Monday the next week. Then Wednesday-Tuesday the next week and so on.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2024
  8. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    i don’t know. That thread about that Werner trainer crapping himself is a pretty high bar to cross
  9. Cobrawastaken

    Cobrawastaken Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    Tulsa, OK
    I haven't seen this. I'm about to go to bed so I'll have to look into that tomorrow.
  10. Stringb8n

    Stringb8n Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2015
    So, bigsean is in fact Sean the recruiter from K& B?
    Hammer166 and Lonesome Thank this.
  11. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Not only is he a recruiter he’s the director of recruiting
  12. Cobrawastaken

    Cobrawastaken Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    Tulsa, OK
    Just got done reading that one. Friggin hilarious. I don't even care if it's true or not. It doesn't really affect Werner's reputation either way, at least in my opinion.
  13. wulfman75

    wulfman75 Road Train Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Athens, GA
    no cruise with the headlights on? I always have the headlights and other lights on 24/7. How I was trained, how my dad did it, how his dad did it... Also I've talked to many K&B drivers and not one of them made anything close to 6 figures.
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