Do not work for them they will fire you for no reason at all trick you to come back to the yard to leave you stranded
Kind Transport
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Jeffrey2720, Jan 22, 2025.
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Low-hanging fruit, but that’s not very kind of them
Voodoo Pyg, TB John, Lonesome and 2 others Thank this. -
I still got they truck they tried to trick me lol then they don't like to pay you when they fire you
Thrasher28 Thanks this. -
That's not the Kind of company I'd l like to work for.
TB John, Lonesome, GoneButNotForgotten and 1 other person Thank this. -
Thinking this is them. Based out of Northwest Indiana aka Chicagoland...
You could probably sell that truck for decent spending cabbage in Mexico!
Didn't we have a similar Kind of thread recently? Yep, here it is.
Kind transport these people will have you drive and fire you for no reason and take all your checksbryan21384, mjd4277, TB John and 2 others Thank this. -
bryan21384, mjd4277 and 88 Alpha Thank this.
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
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