Maverick Journey

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Flattie C, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. Flattie C

    Flattie C Light Load Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    Okay so I got approved at Maverick for Flatbed Division Regional. My concern is I would like to switch to glass once I get my passport renewed. My passport will expired Aug this year and I need to go to chicago to have it renewed. I'm a permanent resident and wont get my naturalization til next year.

    Is it possible to it that way? I need to do glass orientation again right?

    I like glass because of the pay and home time you'll have time to be home 3-5 days plus I will have route all the way to cananda!

    For now I'll go flatbed. Whats the average miles per week do you have in flatbed division for regional?

    I am really excited and nervous! Been wanting to get into trucking for so long! Now is my chance! So the climbing don't bother me at all! lol ;-)
    scottlav46 Thanks this.
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  3. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Welcome to TTR!

    I can't see why you would not be able to switch, ask your recruiter, they can tell you for sure.
    scottlav46 Thanks this.

    SOLID C0LD Light Load Member

    Jul 13, 2015
    make sure the glass division is available in your region before staying excited. a recruiter came to my school & made it sound good, yet when i applied to Maverick, there was an issue because it aint available in my region. seems u too haven't done much research. i think if u ask for more miles, they'll gladly give them to u, so u shouldn't worry about pay, unless home time is important. there's always the local option. u being a girl will open more jobs for u ;)
    scottlav46 Thanks this.
  5. w.h.o

    w.h.o Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Chicago, il
    If you switch to glass, it's another week of training back in little rock. I don't think you would need to go with a trainer. Also, they would like if you stay at least 6 months in your division before switching.

    Why do you have to go to Chicago to renew your passport? Do you live there? I'm in chicago too and glass is available here
    scottlav46 Thanks this.
  6. Flattie C

    Flattie C Light Load Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    It's available in my area and my recruiter actually invited me to glass division and said if I change my mind I should let her know. I'm from oklahoma state and they hire pretty much all division including flatbed regional. Hometime is not that Important to me. I'm single and got no kids lol! Miles is my number one priority :)
    w.h.o and scottlav46 Thank this.
  7. Flattie C

    Flattie C Light Load Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    Ofcourse I will stay 6 months before switching to dif division. and yup I need to fly to chicago to get my passport renewed it's because of the consulate office. They only have 4 locations in the state and chicago is the closest one from my area.

    Hopefully they won't req me to go to the training with mentor. I really like the glass div.
    scottlav46 Thanks this.
  8. jerzguy21

    jerzguy21 Bobtail Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    mays landing, nj
    It shouldn't be a problem to switch to glass as long as it is offered in your area. The training at Little Rock is top notch. The days are very long but it goes by very quick. I'm currently out with my glass trainer if you have any questions about the process.
  9. Flattie C

    Flattie C Light Load Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    Thats good to know! What is ur average miles in glass so far?
  10. jerzguy21

    jerzguy21 Bobtail Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    mays landing, nj
    You dont get paid by the mile during your time in the trainer truck, you still get the flat rate of $550 per week. With that being said, my trainer runs a dedicated account going home on the weekends and still manages to get around 2,000 miles per week. Obviously this is trucking and miles can vary but from every other driver i talk to 2000+ miles per week is easily obtainable. You can expect to get more if you plan to go OTR.
  11. Flattie C

    Flattie C Light Load Member

    Mar 26, 2016

    I'm not sure if we have dedicated for glass division in my area. Recruiter said every two weeks you can be home? and yes I will do OTR when I switch to glass division. I like glass plus the pay is outstanding!
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