Any recommendations for a trucker accountant in Illinois?
We will be looking at purchasing a truck with a larger sleeper (120”-140”) in late 2025. Any lenders that you would recommend? We paid cash for a new trailer and Eagle tarp system this year however I think we will finance the truck purchase to free up capital.
Need a new accountant,
Discussion in 'Trucker Taxes and Truck Financing' started by Nahbrown, Dec 21, 2024.
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BMO Harris
Mitsubiisi Capital HC…formerly ENGS
Just two I’ve used that were relatively painless getting funded. -
Oasis Business & Insurance Solutions LLC
these are the guys i use.. been using them since 2017…speak to Anthony who is essentially the owner managing partner…they’re based in Wausau WI btw.. take clients nationwide.. -
I just went straight through volvo/Mack for the Mack. VFS Financial.
The_vett, North Pole Nightmare and Nahbrown Thank this. -
I use ATBS as my accountant. Tried a few others and ended up going back them them to get it un####ed.
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