The beer distributor is the other way, guessing he was lost. Certainly didn't swing wide enough. Truck hauling beer overturns in Jackson, Mo.
Prime rolls Coors beer load
Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by JonJon78, Jan 3, 2025.
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bryan21384, austinmike, Flat Earth Trucker and 2 others Thank this.
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GPS told him -
“Bear left at intersection “
Driver did as told.
Then the beer left.bryan21384, broke down plumber, 86scotty and 15 others Thank this. -
Western Express won't even hire him after that rollover.
He's a good candidate for a lease-purchase 1099 Chicago company.cdavis188, HaglerFan, bryan21384 and 7 others Thank this. -
bryan21384, broke down plumber, blairandgretchen and 2 others Thank this.
I like how the article gave the exact address. Free beer anyone? I don't know what kind of beer it was though. Probably that homo bud lite crap. Count me out.
The_vett, broke down plumber, Flat Earth Trucker and 4 others Thank this. -
Driver also spilled about 40 gallons of diesel fuel!!
bryan21384, The_vett, Flat Earth Trucker and 1 other person Thank this. -
Did any of you offer to go help “cleanup”?!?!
ROTFLMMFAOJonJon78, The_vett, broke down plumber and 4 others Thank this. -
Hamm's!? I thought they stopped brewing that when the dinosaurs died out.
bryan21384, The_vett, broke down plumber and 5 others Thank this. -
The_vett, broke down plumber, austinmike and 5 others Thank this.
broke down plumber, mjd4277, Flat Earth Trucker and 1 other person Thank this.
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