Bought a truck recently with super 10 transmission and it will grind when downshifting from the 7&8 hole. Drove another truck a while back that did the same so guessing this may be somewhat common on these. What are possible causes?
Super 10 trans grind downshift from 7/8
Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by BronsonA14, Jan 12, 2025.
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Maybe the synchronizer on the tail of the transmission?
broke down plumber Thanks this. -
Usually synchronizers as said.
Sometimes you gotta change the range selector itself on the gear stick too,broke down plumber Thanks this. -
Is it the shift lever that is grinding when making that shift or does the lever shift fine into 5/6 and its grinding and trying to find a gear after the lever falls into 5/6?
Those transmissions only have the one synchronizer do they not? (Super 10 essentially never existed where I live, nobody has one). If it were the synchro you'd think you'd see it clash on every shift that uses the synchro. Not saying it can't be the synchro, just seems odd it would only show up in one of the five downshifts involving the synchro.
If its the lever that's grinding trying to drop into the 5/6 hole I would probably put my focus on the main box first instead of the aux.broke down plumber Thanks this. -
Mine does it after you drop it out of gear and move the lever to the left side of the neutral slot. Not sure exactly how they operate but I know when you’re sitting still and you move the lever side to side in neutral you can hear an air valve opening/closing so guessing that actuates a high/low mechanism
broke down plumber Thanks this. -
That's why they quit the Super 10. They were nothing but trouble. I had one and would always shift to neutral, flip the splitter, and then shift back to into the gear. Super 10's never split as smooth as a 13 speed.
broke down plumber Thanks this. -
I drove trucks with super 10's for 5 or 6 years when I first started trucking and never had any of those problems. I liked them. They quit manufacturing them over 20 years ago probably his is a little worn.
broke down plumber and Big Road Skateboard Thank this. -
broke down plumber Thanks this.
Biggest issue with them, like most, drivers who didn't know how to shift them.broke down plumber and rollin coal Thank this. -
Yep that's exactly what I figured... They were actually a fairly common fleet spec transmission back then which is hard to imagine considering today's world.
broke down plumber Thanks this.
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