1. SFCali

    SFCali Bobtail Member

    Nov 10, 2013

    The requirements listed below are representative of the qualifications necessary to perform the job.

    A. Education and Experience

    At least 1 year of previous experience operating a vehicle requiring a CDL within the past 7 years

    Ok can you tell me where should I start to get at least 1 year of previous experience without a bad company?
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  3. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Posting your location in your profile may help others help you.
  4. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    Well, I'm guessing just by looking at his username that he is in the bay area.

    SFCali, there are a number of options. The most obvious of which is to go to WM's office and talk to them face to face. That is, of course, if they will meet with you. Sometimes that experience required, may not be etched in stone. OTOH, in SF it may be, due to the traffic congestion, etc.

    But it is worth a try.

    There may be construction companies or aggregate haulers that will start you out in a non driving position, where you can work up to driving. There may be LTL companies where you can start out working a dock, and move into driving. There may be food and/or beverage companies that would do the same. Those outfits are pretty labor intensive, and driving is actually secondary to the job.

    You might actually have to spread out a bit away from SF, if that actually is where you are.
  5. Glp

    Glp Medium Load Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    Oakland, CA
    There are many trucking companies in the sf bay area. Look in to the ltl companies, many of them hire rookies or train. Old dominion, estes and abf in oakland, central transport, central freight lines, conway freight, fedex freight, yrc in hayward, reddaway, ups freight, DHE in san leandro. These are most but not all of the ltl companies in the east bay.
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