Yes it's another pay question

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by g2h, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. g2h

    g2h Bobtail Member

    Apr 25, 2018
    Ok I posted this question in one of the old how much is the pay threads but looks like nobody is reading those so here we go


    so looks like everyone is saying OD pays 60+ cpm but i was just offered linehaul position and they offered me 57 cpm! am i getting a shaft or is that a normal starting rate? linehaul manager said it's not a set shift it's pretty much some crazy 24/7 on call type of deal which to me sounds like there's no chance to plan anything around it because they expect me to finish out my shift and go home and more or less turn around again in 10 hours and come back IF there's work if not i could be home for 15 20 hours awake and then go to bed and get a call 2 minutes later saying hey report to work in 1 hour. call me crazy but what kind of a shift is that? i'm in utah
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  3. FlexinTarzan

    FlexinTarzan Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2012
    Stanfield, OR
    That is why the pay is so high.... if it were so easy than there would not be an opening. There is a burn-out factor you are not sensing ..... To each there own, but I am no robot and I insist on set schedules, not jumpin thru hoops/being on standby ect.
    Western flyer Thanks this.
  4. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Sounds likes you will be filling in when people call in sick or any last minute load needs a driver. Seems like lots of those companies go by seniority on the runs. I had car hauling job summer was the slow time. They would send us home and expected us to call in every day at 11am ready roll, if they had a load or they would say just stay home and call tomorrow. I did not like it. I think Walmart does the same thing to new drivers. You just cover other drivers loads for first several months as needed. You don't even get your own truck.

    Like other said that why they can afford to pay 57cpm. I only get 48cpm but dive during the day and sleep at night and have my own company truck and got it brand new.
    dennisroc Thanks this.
  5. g2h

    g2h Bobtail Member

    Apr 25, 2018
    Thanks for the heads up on I still need to go over some details with the recruiter .. I'm no spring chicken been around the block once or twice with about 1m miles Both he and the Linehaul manager said they're overflowing with freight they're going to keep me busy but I guess you never know....I'm dumping fedex ground for old dominion so I hope I'm not making a mistake..I don't mind the work I've done bunch of 11 on 10 off shifts for 5 6 days in a row but I'm worried about them telling me there is no work today and I spend the day with the family and before the bedtime they call me into work and I'm dead tied and have to decline the run and get fired
  6. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    I'd find a more local job with a more regular work schedule. I know 2 tanker companies needing drivers. Set 5 days on. Set 2 days off. Home every night. And there's ALWAYS work.

    There's a 3rd company. Nationwide company. But you'd probably have to work nights. And chain up if the haul roads are muddy.

    Fedex and OD aren't the only companies around. And if you don't have tank endorsement. It's easy to get.
  7. amiller

    amiller Medium Load Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    Charlotte, NC
    How good is the money in local tanker work? I'm trying to decide between ltl or tanker in Charlotte, NC area
  8. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    You guys make more on the east then us in the west. From the looks of things around here. Oil is where the money is at but even that went down with the drop in crude. I have a good paying haul now but it won't last as the haul will be shorter in about 5 months. I haul food plants water waste. I don't know about milk and hazmat haulers. Hours are long though and most tankers run 7 days. So the schedules suck. I started at 220 a day. I'm at 300 now.
    amiller Thanks this.
  9. MilkyJay

    MilkyJay Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2015
    Everywhere you want to be
    You start as an extra driver. Extra drivers are still full time 5 day drivers. You just may have to slip seat once or twice a week. I was still able to run 60 to 70 hours a week if i wanted to.
  10. Express12$

    Express12$ Medium Load Member

    Mar 11, 2017
    if you want real job with no Hustle if you're looking to do over the road I have someone that pay $0.60 a mile
  11. 2BucTruck

    2BucTruck Medium Load Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    Eastern USA - Go Bucs!
    Old Dominion's extraboard (wild driver, as they call it) is typically the same no matter which terminal you work out of. I know some terminals work their extraboard drivers 6 days a week, but most are a set 5 day work schedule - always working the same days, with a specific start window at the beginning of your week. After your first run, then they do expect you to be available and ready when your 10 is up, especially if you're bagging out and staying at a hotel.

    I don't know of any ODFL wild drivers that are on call 24/7. I was a wild bag driver for a bid, and then ran wild turn (which means you go home every day) for at least 2 bids. I always worked the same 5 days, and my start and end times would vary only according to the runs I did. I was never on call 24/7.

    What terminal are you speaking of?
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