Is XPO any good?

Discussion in 'Con-Way' started by UpstateFreight, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. UpstateFreight

    UpstateFreight Light Load Member

    Mar 8, 2016
    I've applied with XPO and got a call back they want to set up an orientation date with me as of now. Just wanting to know if it's the right choice. I know ultimately I'm the one who has to make the decision. But, just want to hear from some of the other drivers on what yall have to say about them as a whole. The recruiter said I would start @ 31cpm because I have 4 months OTR. And after 30,000 miles with them I would be bumped up to 38cpm. Also I live in the northeast, they explained If I elected to run the northeast corridor I would get an extra 5cpm. And I can understand why. I've been running the northeast for the last 2 months. It can be pretty hectic driving a rig up here. Lots of craziness on I-95 all day every day.
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  3. RoadRooster

    RoadRooster Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Fort Myers, Florida
    You will hear both ways......I've kept my left door closed and manage my time wisely and have met or exceeded everything the recruiter stated as average.

    I left to work the Northeast for a while because it got me home every 12 days...a month later I was back at Conway( XPO ).

    I don't get home as often but I'm doing the kind of driving I like
  4. Starboyjim

    Starboyjim Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2011
    Weed, CA
    Straight up company, been there 3+ years as a company driver 3 mos and I/C 3 years. Checks every Friday exactly as stated, averaged 2,800/month (working 21 or 22 days, home 8 or 10 days/month) Good on the bottom line/1099. Northeast does yield $.05/mile additional. They only give $.03/mile for HM loads. IMHO? Good place to work.
    paul_4lp and UpstateFreight Thank this.
  5. UpstateFreight

    UpstateFreight Light Load Member

    Mar 8, 2016
    I also have an offer from Roehl. It would be 11 out and 3 home. 34cpm still trying to decide who to go with
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
  6. UpstateFreight

    UpstateFreight Light Load Member

    Mar 8, 2016
    Did you go lease purchase with them?
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
  7. sam2017

    sam2017 Bobtail Member

    Apr 17, 2016
    Thats good money bro
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
  8. haz-matguru

    haz-matguru Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2012
    I saw a conway recruiter all set up outside a Loves in AZ last January. I found it to be strange, but I'm sure they need drivers if there doing it like that. CFI was a good company with a very good bonus program. Guys said that was lowered when conway bought them out. Conway was a good outfit. But now that xpo took them over it may be to early to say.

    Word has it that XPO onnly wanted a portion of conway. And conway said either buy all or nothing. So xpo purchased them whole. But xpo may cut out one side of the truck division.

    This company has gone through so many changes. From Consolidated Freight back in the days. To shut down and reappearance as Conway Freight. Then they purchase a Truck load company. And now they were bought. Man what a ride for some guys. Maybe Fed Ex will buy out XPO next.
  9. free spirited1

    free spirited1 Heavy Load Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    All I can tell you is I been here a long time, and what I can see since xpo took over is down hill from drivers perspective...they keep chopping and chipping away, and I haven't seen much of anything good added to date for the drivers perspective since they took over, my opinion of course. I have an ace in the lol company I been speaking with, so far its much better. xpo all about making stock owners happy and well drivers, I let you draw the picture, know what I mean?...Have a safe one driver
    UpstateFreight Thanks this.
  10. CargoWahgo

    CargoWahgo Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2012
    Louisville, Kentucky
    Can always tar and feather the most senior guys to the Mexican flag pole.

    We need to bring back the tar and feather.... And supersize fries/triple cheeseburgers for a buck. America used to be soooo awesome.

    Take a picture after y'all throw em in the back of a trailer during summer for 10 hours do the tar feather and tape to flagpole. Make em stand there 5 hours while you play Qualcomm chirps on a loop.

    Mexican folks don't need no bosses lol. Its going to be interesting to watch.
    paul_4lp and free spirited1 Thank this.
  11. born&raisedintheusa

    born&raisedintheusa Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Wichita, KS
    Perhaps Swift Transportation, out of Phoenix Arizona, will buy out Conway Truckload from XPO, out of Joplin Missouri.

    One never knows.

    Sometime ago, Swift bought out out Central Refrigerated, out of Salt Lake City Utah.

    God bless every American and their families! God bless the U.S.A.!
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
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