The Cost of Trucking: A clear look at how much it costs to operate a semi truck and how the individual expenses compare to each other.
How Much Do Truckers Make? The ultimate industry guide to truck driver salaries, what states and specialties pay the most.
Making Semi Trucks More Efficient: Tips to increase MPG on semi trucks, and the extraordinary facts about diesel fuel usage.
Truck Driver Shortage: Is there a shortage of qualified applicants for truck driving jobs? Why? How much worse will it get?
Facts About Trucks: Semi trucks are incredibly powerful, complicated, expensive machines. Lots of Frequently Asked Questions are answered here, along with some interesting facts you haven’t considered.
Commercial Truck Insurance Cheat Sheet: How to decrease your insurance premiums, finding the right brokerage, and everything else there is to know about commercial truck insurance.
Automated Trucks and the Truck Driving Job Apocalypse: Self-driving trucks are inevitable, the only question is when they will arrive and how much of an impact they will have on the job market for truckers.