ITS Load Board

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by texasmorrell, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. texasmorrell

    texasmorrell Medium Load Member

    May 3, 2012
    Lone Star State
    Not sure if this has been mentioned before but I found a neat trick on ITS today. You know how ITS has recently started putting that uShip crap on the board. There is a way to turn that off and you will never see a uShip load again. Or for that matter any broker load you never want to see, TQL comes to mind.

    Just right click on the load and select "Don't show again". You will never see a load from that broker on your screen again. :biggrin_25513:I already did it for uShip and TQL and a few others that do not pay their bills. Its great, the screen already looks much better without all that worthless garbage cluttering it up.

    You can also select "Don't call" or "Call first" and it will highlight all the loads from that broker accordingly.

    Hope this is helpful.
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  3. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Yeah I have "Rightway" brokerage set up as "do not ever show". They have a 615 TN area code and post very cheap brick and lumber loads all over everywhere year round. Typical would be $300 on 250 loaded miles, they shamelessly post the rate also.

    Sent from my droid using Tapatalk 2
    Marlin46 Thanks this.
  4. 66truck

    66truck Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    Wish you could do that on Truckers Edge, hate wading through the crap brokers.
  5. Casual Trucker

    Casual Trucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Here is a new trick you ALL should know. Call ..ITS and ask them why are you getting calls from brokers you never heard of LIKE "CH.Crapinson" right after you sign off from ITS website?:biggrin_25521:

    ITS Has a tool that they don't tell you about and that is ( The brokers can see YOU:biggrin_25520:as you are looking for a load they are NOT going to Put that good paying load on the board until a sucker takes the crap load first:biggrin_25523:)

    ITS has the following information on their side How many computers are logged in:biggrin_25523:Who is Logged in:biggrin_25523:what you are searching for:biggrin_25511:so why not sell all that info to that hungry devil that is always looking for new tricks to reward you with a back haul (Brokers):biggrin_25524:

    for those of you that still didn't get it:biggrin_25512:

    If you were a broker and you see 10000 trucks (your ITS handle tells them that) looking for a load then how much will you post the load for?:biggrin_25523:
    If you Have the same Load and You See Zero Trucks searching for that area how much will you post the load for? :biggrin_25514:

    So call ITS Customer service and give them your member number and ASK them to keep your search Anonymous, if you end up with a clueless operator and he/she pretended that they didn't know what you are talking about then ask for their technical support department and tell them the same thing I like My Privacy and I want My Searches to remain Anonymous :biggrin_255:

    Never Never Never
    Stay logged in for more than 15 minutes if you couldn't find a load in 15 minutes whom ever is watching you logged in Knows you are getting desperate So log off if you didn't find what you are looking for. Thus making these prying eyes think that you have no interest in these cheap loads the price will go higher when there are less truckers logged in..:biggrin_2559:
  6. RedForeman

    RedForeman Momentum Conservationist

    Jan 30, 2011
    The feature is called "Hot Prospects." I've gotten some of my best offers off that. Usually from customers I've already been established with who recognize me on their list and call before posting their load.

    I stay logged in as much or little as I feel like. If they are stupid enough to assume I'm desperate, then I can usually clear that right up as soon as they call. If I want to get some sleep, I log out.
  7. RedForeman

    RedForeman Momentum Conservationist

    Jan 30, 2011
    The best workaround for that is to sort the list on broker name and just skip over the ones you know aren't worth looking into.

    I agree the ability to filter on things like that would be nice. On the other hand, the beauty of Truckers Edge is that it's dead simple and not loaded with "features."
  8. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I know they can see exactly who clicks on a load. That's part of shopping when they're hunting trucks you just click on loads and wait for the call. If they never call, no loss anyways. I'll refresh my posting often to keep it at the top of the list. I'll see a load of interest and fish for it adding the state it's headed to on my list, or every state around except for it. Yeah if they're thinking I'm ever desperate they figure out fairly quick who's in command of the situation if they call. I tell every one of them, even the ones who end up paying the rate, I don't need the load. It's fairly easy to do and nothing but a thing to say no thanks. You'll do that often if you're doing it right, even when capacity is tight.. You'll even walk from good paying loads. Done that a number of times. Sometimes it worked out better sometimes it cost a day. I'd rather lose a day than be unsatisfied with any rate.

    Sent from my droid using Tapatalk 2
    RedForeman and mp4694330 Thank this.
  9. Casual Trucker

    Casual Trucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    yup..yup..yup..I wonder why they called it "Hot Prospects."? is that anything like suckers?..:biggrin_25521:

    "I've gotten some of my best offers off that."
    .. I never have...My best customers have my # they call me before they post that load

    "If they are stupid enough to assume I'm desperate" They R NOT people that purchase gadgets to manipulate the unfortunate ones are never desperate nor stupid

    "I stay logged in as much or little as I feel like" I Apologize for the misunderstanding I thought I was writing my post in response to texasmorrell But IF you are here to give us more of your wisdom Then I'm All Ears:biggrin_25514: your Royal Highness

    "then I can usually clear that right up as soon as they call." What if you didn't speak English that good?what if you were intimidated easily ya Know Shy People?what if what if what if.......they don't send a used car lot salesman to church to learn how to get rid of his junk cars..some of these Brokers tried to convince me that they were doing me a huge favor by using my truck/trailer/credit to buy fuel for the load /and wait 30-60 days for my money & they expected even more like take some crappy loads to Colorado :biggrin_25510:
    But Hey you Like to clear that right up as soon as they call ..I Like to keep these Pests away from me and what I do online I don't have the need to listen to a waste of time proposition but that's Just me...:biggrin_25510:
  10. Semi Crazy

    Semi Crazy Road Train Member

    May 13, 2011
    Middle Tennessee
    The longer I'm logged on means I'm gonna sit until hell freezes over before I take a cheap $2/mile load.

    If I'm desperate I'll grab whatever and be gone right away.
  11. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Heck, I might stay logged on all day. I will run up to 4 different windows looking at load boards when I am looking for a load.
    Have very few call me even after I have looked at the ld. info if any in the screen.. I really hate when they post a ld. and not give the dims..
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