IRP Estimations

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by crackinwise, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. crackinwise

    crackinwise Medium Load Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    Central Florida
    Im getting ready to get my apportioned tags and Im looking at the application process. Im supposed to estimate miliage in each state I want to run but have no idea what is a fair number to use in anyof them. Does anyone have any advice on how many miles I should estimate for states I might run quite a bit in and how many miles should I estimate on states that I may not even run in but want to have them on my plates just in case I get a load there???
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  3. Oscar the KW

    Oscar the KW Going Tarpless

    May 19, 2011
    They should have given you a sheet with estimated miles on it.
    crackinwise Thanks this.
  4. double yellow

    double yellow Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    State of Jefferson
    blairandgretchen and crackinwise Thank this.
  5. G/MAN

    G/MAN Road Train Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Each state should have a sheet of all the states and estimated miles you should use when you first get your IRP. The miles used are the average for all carriers who base or purchase their base plates in that particular state. It will be different from one year to the next and one state to another. You don't make up the miles, they are provided to you by your state. If you don't have those miles, then give your state IRP office a call and see if they can send you a copy to use.
    crackinwise Thanks this.
  6. Skate-Board

    Skate-Board Road Train Member

    Aug 9, 2014
    Merrimack, NH
    Ya, the skull is correct. Your first time they put in all the estimated values. I don't think you even have to fill them in.
    crackinwise Thanks this.
  7. G/MAN

    G/MAN Road Train Member

    Sep 3, 2010

    You need to use estimation tables from the state in which you are getting your base plate. Estimates are based upon average miles run by carriers in each state. Miles in California will be different for a California based carrier than one based in North Carolina. Using estimates, your base plate should run somewhere between $1,500-2,200. That does not include your UCR
  8. crackinwise

    crackinwise Medium Load Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    Central Florida
    Im reading that in Florida I can just put an E in each milage box and then the state will estimate for me. Does that sound correct to anyone?
  9. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    In TN we used to go to the IRP office (now it's all electronic) and they would give you what they referred to in bureaucrat speak as a "schedule 2 form" (I think that is what they call it). Basically it was a piece of paper with estimated miles for every state that first time guys like you use to fill in estimates. You do not just guestimate or you don't in TN. Can't imagine FL being much different. What you need to do is call whoever handles IRP in FL or go see them in person. It's an easy process. The worst part will probably be the line. You will use these estimated miles for the first 2 years that you register then you will be using the miles you ran in each state several quarters prior to that 3rd time you do it. It'll make more sense if you talk to the appropriate person in FL state gov't who deals with this rather than getting all confused and aggravated with answers on the internet.
    crackinwise Thanks this.
  10. RedForeman

    RedForeman Momentum Conservationist

    Jan 30, 2011
    I did a quick search for FL info, and from what's posted online, you would put an "E" in the column and leave it blank for them to complete. Might want to put "new registration" as the reason for estimated miles. As others have said, there ought to be a form published each year with numbers to be used on the app. Sounds a lot like passing a law to find out what's in it. Oh wait, this is FL we're talking about.

    Here is the Georgia estimated mileage chart to give you an example of what you should be able to get from your own state (numbers will be different of course).

    Edited to add: You would go to this same chart later on if you decide to add states if you didn't just get every state and province to start with.
    crackinwise Thanks this.
  11. crackinwise

    crackinwise Medium Load Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    Central Florida
    Thanks for the input. I finally got through to the state and RedForeman you are correct. Just put an E and they will estimate for me. After doing some more research I learned that the process could be changing as early as next year where every state will be on your cab card and you pay later for miles driven in each state during the year. I guess its going to work the same way IFTA does.
    Sounds like a better system then the current one where I guess as to where I may end up and lose revenue if I made a wrong guess on a state I left off my cab card..
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