Does anyone negotiate any more

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by indspirit, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. indspirit

    indspirit Light Load Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    Wasn't sure if I should post here or brokers fourm but posted here because I really want O/O opinions. Because my regular carriers are busy I have had to post on load boards. I get several calls a day they ask what the rate is I tell them it starts at ?????? click no response. Really if I have a load I want to pay $3000 for I will over you $2500 to start with see if I can get you to my price. Those who call and hang up waste my time those who stay on the phone an laugh at my initial offer usually get the load for $3200. So just wondering does anybody negotiate or do you just punch info into a computer and let it think for you?
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  3. rank

    rank Road Train Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    50 miles north of Rochester, NY
    I don't really negotiate much anymore. I just don't have to is all. Why play games. Do to want the truck or not?

    Been at this long enough now that when my regular brokers call we don't go through all that bs.
    30-aught-6, Lucar and 281ric Thank this.
  4. 30-aught-6

    30-aught-6 Light Load Member

    Dec 16, 2014
    Why must i B like that,Why must I chase the CAT,
    Aint nothing but the DOG n Me

    the EARLY BIRD gets the WORM!!

    Its simple YOU have a PRICE and I Have a PRICE,
    They need to CONNECT otherwise,NO GO,NO SHOW
  5. zinita17601

    zinita17601 Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    lancaster pa
    Why dont you just start at$3200 and save us and yourself all the trouble.
    SheepDog, 281ric, G/MAN and 1 other person Thank this.
  6. indspirit

    indspirit Light Load Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    Rank I can understand that with my normal carriers I call them give them the lane they give me the price and usually it is reasonable enough to move the load. I try to avoid load boards if I can but when I use them I hear somebody typing zip codes into a computer and if computer says ok good if not click. I drove for 30 years knew my bottom line and made it work. Guess I'm to new as a broker still.
    rank Thanks this.
  7. Freddy57

    Freddy57 Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Mount Vernon, MO
    Personally I negotiate. If I don't like the original offer I up the ante to what I would haul for, if we come together great, if not, there are plenty of other loads out there.
  8. double yellow

    double yellow Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    State of Jefferson
    I negotiate unless I'm in a really hot area and the initial offer is unreasonably low.
    Cetane+ Thanks this.
  9. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    99 times out of a 100 if I'm several hundred apart from a broker there is no point in further coversation. They might come up $50 or $100 if they feel generous. Sometimes a little more than that. Why would you come up $700 when you don't have to? Generally if i call you i'm fishing to see how bad you need to move a load. I prefer accepting calls over making any but sometimes will call. If you're wanting to start at $2,500 and my number is $3,500 there is no point in talking further, unless..... try to keep me on the phone. But that doesn't mean you got me at $3,200. It means you pay my price of $3,500 or we part ways. Have too much success with this in moderate to very hot markets to ever cave in.

    Now when I need your load and have already made my money 9 times out of 10 I know exactly what you're going to offer before you say it and so that is your lucky day. I'd rather be looking for a load than a truck any day of the week. Always know exactly what I need on anything. My price is what books me, none of the start high and come down. If i am called out of the blue I can do the math in my head and give a quote quickly. I love to ask what the loaded miles are just to see how bad the broker will short me. I know what the miles are relatively close already sometimes within 10 miles without aid of a computer. you tell a broker you're away from your computer and can't check they will short it 100 or more miles every time. I know exactly how far my home town is from probably dozens of ship points and they will short deadhead much worse than loaded 35 to 50 miles without hesitation. I always think to myself what a friggin liar you're gonna pay. Someone that is honest, rare, gets respect.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2015
    281ric, 30-aught-6, Cetane+ and 2 others Thank this.
  10. jess-juju

    jess-juju Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    Shelbyville TN
    I always run the miles before I call and know the Number I want for that particular lane if you offer me $500 on a $1500 lane yeah I'm going to say TY but I think we are to far apart, even if the price is right I will ask for an extra $100 just because I like to negotiate. :biggrin_25525:
    BigBadBill, SheepDog and indspirit Thank this.
  11. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Wanted to add I get the same impression that many brokers don't want to negotiate. Some because of the market - which I get. Others seem very amateur and immediately hang up if I say "I don't really like to go there". The old pro's try to sell me and find out if I ever would. Do they not teach in broker school no doesn't always mean no? A veteran or natural salesman knows that. Rookies get upset and hang up "have a nice day"....
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