cb static

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by will1969, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. will1969

    will1969 Bobtail Member

    Jan 31, 2014
    i put a texas ranger in my truck my problem is i can turn my rf gain up a little before a whole of static occurs my squelch is up only a little what am i doing wrong
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  3. Hammer166

    Hammer166 Crusty Information Officer

    Aug 18, 2007
    ~8600+' and loving it!
    Cb static is closely tied to solar activity, and there was a flare day or so ago.
  4. rwdfinch50

    rwdfinch50 Medium Load Member

    Nov 6, 2007
    Leesburg, Fl.
    You need to remember that the gain is like a magnet that draws in the signal electrically. It amplifies everything it receives. The more you turn it up, the more it amplifies. Problem is, it also amplifies the white noise, or static.
    So, turn it up just enough to where the static is starting to be heard, and leave it there. Then, use the squelch to block out the static you are receiving. It's that simple.
  5. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Are you talking about the radio or the texas ranger amp?

    Do you hear static when the truck is running or when the engine is shut off?


    Never mind I found your other post.

    OK here is the thing, if the truck is running, then it is a problem with your power.

    If the truck isn't running, then it is an issue with the channel.

    Let's take the first problem, sometimes there is static coming from things on the truck, from the alternator to the lighting within the sleeper (led and florescent lighting both has this issue). Even when you are driving, static can build up on the truck and without the proper grounding on the truck, you will have static (one reason to try a broken rubber bungee dragging on the ground from the steps).

    Now the second issue is the channel, here in Detroit, 19 is nothing but static (just checked and I have s9 signal on it with no one talking). So where you are at, that may be the issue too. I crank up the rf gain all the way and leave it there. I don't think I ever use the squelch just turn the volume down and leave it there.
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