10 meter radio or cb?

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by crazyturtleman, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. crazyturtleman

    crazyturtleman Bobtail Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Mankato, MN
    What is the difference between 10 meter radio and a cb. And do you need a ham radio license to use a 10 meter radio legally. And if so if you have a ham license can you run a 10 meter radio in a truck.
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  3. Bullwinkle

    Bullwinkle Medium Load Member

    Jun 11, 2006
    You need a license to run a 10 meter legally, and yes, if you have a license, you can run one legally in a truck.
    K7DFA Thanks this.
  4. Gadfly

    Gadfly Medium Load Member

    Aug 18, 2006
    Clarification: A licensed amateur radio operator may use a "10 Meter" radio on the 10 Meter band. He may not operate a "10 Meter" radio ON CB frequencies, nor may he use the radio in "dual" service. IOW, a Galaxy 99V may not be used on the 10 Meter band AND on the CB band as well.
    One is required by Part 95, title 47, US Code (the CB radio rules) to use ONLY an FCC-approved, 4 watt, 40 channel CB radio on CB.

    We don't want to imply that amateur radio operators have some special privileges with reference to the channelized and so-called "10 Meter" radios. Rather, they must follow the rules for Amateur Radio (Part 97) and follow the rules for CB (Part 95) when engaged in that activity same as any other user.


    Midlife Trucker and K7DFA Thank this.
  5. crazyturtleman

    crazyturtleman Bobtail Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Mankato, MN
    guess i will keep looking for a better cb then. i dont think i would wanna chance getting busted for anything the FCC doesnt sound to nice when it comes to that
    K7DFA Thanks this.
  6. 2xR

    2xR Medium Load Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Ol' North State
    I guess now I'll have toss my 88. :biggrin_25513: Oh wait! I maybe could still use it as a wheel chock, or, an anchor for my bass boat.

    I'm gonna' miss all my long distance chats with all those other truckers. :biggrin_25525:

    You know, this could be a real boom for NEXTEL. Beep-Beep...:biggrin_2559:
    K7DFA Thanks this.
  7. K7DFA

    K7DFA Bobtail Member

    Jul 2, 2011
    Boise, Idaho
    I think you should keep your "88", not as a wheel chock or boat anchor, as long as it still works, just keep it in the band from 26.965-27.405 MHz., for two-way use, and when you go "out of band" just listen to what's going on above/below C.B. . :)

    jmho :)
  8. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    The so called 10 meter radios you are inquiring about, for the most part, are not really legitimate 10 meter radios. They are designed and built to convert to 11 meters (CB band) and be used as CBs. They offer a little more power than a legal CB, and some "extra" channels outside the legal CB band. Yes you can technically get in trouble for transmitting on one of these type radios, even on the legal CB band, not to mention transmitting outside the legal CB band. However, the risk of getting in trouble for using one of these type radios is very slim, even if you transmit outside the legal CB band. (You should never transmit close to the 28.000 band-i.e. 10 meters). Generally speaking, they aren't as tuff as a Cobra or Uniden radio and won't talk a great deal better than a properly tuned up Corbra/Uniden. That said, they do build some that put out substantially more watts and in effect have a built in linear. (I'm a believer in if you want more watts, just get a linear and be done with it) If you use one of these you need to make sure your antenna system is in excellent shape as far as a good SWR reading or you will end up burning out your finals. (this also applies to a stock 4 watt radio as well.) Having a ham license will not allow you to run one of these radios legally on the CB band. You can't run anything on the CB band legally except a legal CB radio. However, enforcement is about non-existent unless you are interfering with an airport or something, or your neighbor reports you because he can't watch TV when you're blabbing on your radio. Personally, the only reason I see to buy one of these "10 meter" radios is for the "extra" (my reason for using them) channels. A good Cobra 25 or 29, properly tuned up (this is key) with a good antenna system, will talk just as good and most likely out last the "10 meter" radio by a good margin. Not to mention they are less expensive initially and don't need to be converted and aligned to 11 meters (CB Band) before you can use one. So if all you want to do is talk on the CB band, buy a CB and save your money.
    K7DFA Thanks this.
  9. AB7IF

    AB7IF Light Load Member

    Jun 11, 2011
    Somewhere, Ar
    Keep in mind if you have any aspirations for the future of going ham on 10 meters whatever model you choose must have upper sideband. Any other choice is a waste of money. Meaning pick an all mode model, AM FM LSB USB, and maybe even CW such as the Ranger has. You never know when you might take up learning code or maybe doing some 10 meter FM. Personally whether or not it is no longer needed I think CW is a lot of fun.

    Just do not make the mistake of using Gordon West as your teacher. His method is a guarantee you will deal with the 11 to 13 WPM block as I did. Your brain counts the tones and this causes a L-R brain conflict. It took me 3 years to get from 11 to 24 WPM, gaining the entire jump in the last 3 months. I was at the Mesa hamfest and ran across a three cassette set titled "High Speed Code Course" by Jerry Zilliac KB6MT for $20. During the 2 and 3/4 years I fought it there were times I listened to code for 14 hours a day and could not beat 13 WPM. I had really given up and merely casually listened to Jerry's tapes in rush hour to and from work. I did not even realize at first the jump my brain had made. He starts you at 3.5 WPM but at all times sends the code at 20. This forced my head to learn the sound of each character. 3 months later the owner of the radio shop I worked at wanted to try for his general but was intimidated to go alone so he offered me a free day off paid if I would spend it going down there as moral support. So I did and said why not I'll try one last time for the code as I had passed the written more than once in 3 years. Freaked me out the test at 20 sounded so slow I thought I had landed in the Twilight Zone after the trouble I had gone through only to fail the code each time before. Anyway maybe you will not need it but it is fun to learn and there are still many old timers out here you can have good conversations with in the CW segments of the bands. As Mike said you can do both 10 and 11 if you pick the right model. Just run nicely, respectfully of all, do not paint yourself a target and you will be fine.
    Johnny18, K7DFA, Big_m and 2 others Thank this.
  10. jessejamesdallas

    jessejamesdallas Road Train Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    Whatever floats your boat...The Cobra 29 LX is one nice CB...

    By the way...for as using one of the so-called 10 Meter radios (or Exports) thats been converted for CB use....Your chances of winning the Lottery are better than getting caught by the FCC using one of those radios...

    What can get you in trouble using one of the Export radios usually is not that it's been converted to CB use, but getting on the Ham Bands and aggravating the hammies! Stay on 11 Meter with it, and no one will even know you have one.
    ...just saying.
    K7DFA Thanks this.
  11. Rat

    Rat Road Train Member

    4 year old thread, just saying.
    Big_m and K7DFA Thank this.
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