Phase 1/Phase 2 Experience

Discussion in 'CR England' started by teotl, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. THBatMan8

    THBatMan8 Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    Wherever I park
    Show me the company policy that states this. Company policy states that a shower every other day is recommended, but not required.

    If that's what you think, you're in the wrong industry.
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  3. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Book one of the training books. What to expect when training, that the trainer will provide the opportunity to shower at least every other day.

    What, that I can't succeed in this business, becuase you believe you have to be a jerk to train someone?

    Heck ... in 40 years, this is the least stressful job, I've ever had.
    bonbonsron and Texzonie Thank this.
  4. THBatMan8

    THBatMan8 Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    Wherever I park
    Thats a common case of expecting too much from a company. Showers are up to the individual, not the company.

    I never stated that. Quit putting words in my mouth.

    Go ahead and quit CRE to drive for Werner, Swift, or some other mainstream carrier. You're so hellbent on that fact that it's all CRE that you don't see the BS is with the entire industry. Can't stand to be away from home for more than 3 weeks? Can't stand to not shower for 2 or more days? etc? Don't bother driving OTR, because you're going to experience the same crap everywhere you go.
    venne Thanks this.
  5. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010

    It's not CRE, it's not the industry, it's you. Showering every other day has nothing to do with OTR. If one can't make time to do it, it's because they're a lazy dirtball.

    I left CRE over a year ago. I lease with Swift and run solo. 6 weeks out, 1 week home. Have run over 95000 miles year to date.
  6. Texzonie

    Texzonie Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    It's called living like a human being rather than a greasy butt crack walking ad for personal hygiene.
  7. THBatMan8

    THBatMan8 Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    Wherever I park
    Nice generalization. You will not always find the time to stop at a compliant truck stop so you can use shower points. There may not be compliant fuel stops enroute for you to stop. You will not always have the extra $10 to take a shower. Personally, I can't stand to go more than a day without a shower, but that's not always possible.

    There's nothing stopping you at CRE from going home for a week after being on the road for 6 weeks. You have the option of hiring a relief driver to run your truck for that week if you want to keep it rolling. That is what I currently do at CRE. I relieve IC's (and company drivers) of their truck while they take home time.
  8. Mainframe

    Mainframe Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2010
    beloit, wi
    like i have stated in other threads, there are some bad apples in the training arena, i am definitly not one of them. i run solo loads until i know that the student is ready to take on the big ones, like expedite freight. i'll drive him during the day, and later in the month, run him at night. the incredible amount of sleep i lose to help out with problems...

    every driver i have trained on my truck has passed the road tests with flying colors. i need for him/her to be relaxed, and to build confidence in him. ther are the problems that go along with the job, they see how i handle them and see how i take it in stride. i remember where i came from, and how i started, so i provide a lot for them. food, sometimes cigarettes, i make sure we are clean. i have blankets and clean linen. i don't blast radios while they are sleeping. i also tell them that after they are on their own, they can call me at any time with questions. so far, all have taken me up on that one. the calls gradually fade to social contacts, to trade stories of what has happened to them on some oddball event.

    i can agree, some of the trainers are not as good as me, but one thing is for certain, i have the miles. in two years, the truck had some 625 k on it. my biggest gripe right now is the taxes, not the company. i came in with a clear head and a clear line if sight to my goals. another 10 mos and i'll own this truck outright.

    heck, this student that i have now, i have stopped near his home as routing permitted, and let him see his family. most don't get that opportunity because they are too far off the beaten path, but when its possible...

    be wary of one thing. most of the people that want to say something are the whiners. this is a tough life to lead, it is most decidedly not for everyone. i could complain to high heaven, but it won't make things better or easier. the shippers and recievers are going to continue their shenanigans until the end of days, or until there are no comanies that will pull for them. then there are the companies themselves that treat everyone like some little kid that needs to be coddled... but then, thats how some act. i need no babysitting, i'm a go-getter that just wants to get the job done, i don't want to retire on a load. if you want to have home time, and don't mind the same-old same-old, go get a line haul job. same route, day after day. go work for the uaw and put a bolt in a hole for twenty years for 27 bucks an hour, and wonder why no one will hire you after the plant shuts down, because the unions don't allow cross training. some life. i like doing different things every day, dealing with some challenge. hell night? how about hell life? had that growing up with two control freaks called mom and dad. scars to prove it. i'm out here making my own way, and no one is going to tell my that i can't.

    wake up and be your own person. take off the kid gloves and make a reasonable attempt at proving that you can deal with it. get down and dirty and take life by the horns. i want my slice of pie and this is one way i can get it. its still in the oven, but i bet it'll taste real good when its done, if some liberal whiney politician doesn't steal it from me first.
  9. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    What generalization. You keep coming up with excuses to not shower. Nothing saying you have to shower at "compliant" fuel stop. As for the not having the $10. Well, every other day, 3 - 4 times a week, $40 at most if you never find a "compliant" fuel stop. If you don't have that kind of walking around coin, you might want to look at other opportunities.

    That aside, every other day, that's 2 shifts for an OTR driver, a 1000 miles. You'll be hard pressed to find a 1000 miles in this country where you will never come across a "compliant" fuel stop.
  10. THBatMan8

    THBatMan8 Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    Wherever I park
    Im not comming up with excuses. If that's your level of reading comprehension then I'm done talking to you.
  11. teotl

    teotl Bobtail Member

    Apr 30, 2011
    CA, USA
    Whoooa I just got a response in my e-mail about showers. I'm really confused and also a little scatter brained at the moment so excuse me if I sound snarky or short; I don't mean to.

    I just want to state that CRE DOES require you to take showers as a driver (trainer or not) every other day. The man that trained me during my first phase had no trouble finding a compliant truck stop, and I had plenty of showers on my shower card so I didn't have to worry about that either.. and we always arrived where we were supposed to be early.. the guy was just a prick.

    I don't care what his preferences were. Riding in a truck without having a shower for a week when you're on your period is absolutely disgusting. I was so panicked that I scheduled a doctor's appt the SECOND I got out of his truck (LITERALLY, I was standing under the open door) and luckily everything was fine. When I talked to CRE about it, the woman on the other end was being rude because I was "making some serious accusations in reference to 'her trainer,'" as if I cared.
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