JJ's Place

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by jjranch, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. jjranch

    jjranch Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Shelbyville, TN
    OK i decided to start this Thread because the last one's had former employers who i no longer work for attached to the title of it, so i decided to start this one so no matter who i work for i wont have a need to create a new thread and just stay on this one from now on. I currently am working for New Company and i will post more on them here in a litte while. JJRanch.
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  3. jjranch

    jjranch Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Shelbyville, TN
    OK the New company i work for is Motor West Out of Caldwell, ID they are an employee owned company. They are a 7 western Company. They require a minimum of 2yrs driving experience.

    So far as i can tell this is a pretty good company. I start out at 31CPM 8 cents of that is per diem. They have a pet and rider policy which both are free. after 3 months i get medical and 6 months i get dental. after a year i am eligible for the employee owned benefit and 1 week vacation. My truck is a 2006 Peterbilt 379 with a C13 Cat and a 9 speed transmission. they will even wire in my power inverter for me.

    I made a turn and burn for them starting last thursday until i got back today. went from the yard down to Walnut Ca over to Montebello Ca to Boise ID then back to the yard again. The office staff are really nice and it has a family feel to it like you are a name and not a number. most of the loads on the turn and burn were drop and hook with only one live unload.

    Ill be off for the next couple of weeks for military annual training and back in my truck on the first. not bad for a company you just got hired on to do that for you and i get the same truck back. i had to clean it out today so they can use it as a spare for the local guys and short trips a driver's truck is in the shop and it will be there when i return. There is no slip seat for my home time unlike what Cargo did to me. I wish i had found this Company sooner. My speed is set at 65 on the pedal and 68 on the cruise it has a very smooth ride like jess has said i am like a fat kid in a candy store who has carte blanc. I nicknamed my truck PETEY.

    I dont get paid weekly its bi weekly and no direct deposit i have to pick up my check and deposit it. but since we are by the yard every 5 to 7 days that shouldn't be a problem. Ill let you all know in the coming weeks how the miles are but so far in the turn and burn which was 3 and 1/2 days i got 1700 mi. well thats it for now ill post more later. JJRanch.
    Kimono_skunk, MaximumTexas and alex94 Thank this.
  4. jess-juju

    jess-juju Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    Shelbyville TN
    And Boy has he been having fun in the Candy store!!:biggrin_2559:
    alex94 Thanks this.
  5. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    LOL. spread some of that candy down here.
  6. jjranch

    jjranch Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Shelbyville, TN
    I stopped at this road side Cafe called the ranch house off of us 395 in a little town of Olancha, Ca. not much for truck parking but you are allowed to park on the shoulder. I had breakfast looked out at the pete sitting across the street and finally felt like a true traditional trucker not some faceless driver in a large company. I finished breakfast got back in the pete turned the truck on and listened to the cat purr. I put the pete in gear and with a big grin on my face i headed off to boise.
  7. LostOne9

    LostOne9 Medium Load Member

    Jun 6, 2008
    Emerald triangle
    keep it coming...thanks
  8. truckerdaddy24

    truckerdaddy24 Road Train Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    Avondale Az.
    JJ, I just saw a Cargo ad on CL here the other day, I was going to apply but then remember the way you were treated and thought I'd hold on that thought. We look forward to the new thread. Thanks. TD
  9. jjranch

    jjranch Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Shelbyville, TN
    I bought this shirt at Johnson's Corner it is my new favorite shirt i wear at shippers and recievers it has a 379 Pete on the back of it with a caption that says IGET PAID TO HAUL YOUR FREIGHT NOT TAKE YOUR CRAP! i think it says it all.
    hslotia, JimBob24, aiwiron and 3 others Thank this.
  10. jjranch

    jjranch Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Shelbyville, TN
    When i Towed a Cargo express truck up from Fontana on US 395 i remember the Santa ana winds were gusting and it just about blew me off the road, but when i was driving the Pete going down to Walnut i was hauling 45460 in the box and felt the pete barely tilt a little and thought to myself was that a wind gust? What was ironic was coming back i had 11660 in the back with a high wind advisory and didnt feel the truck rock at all.JJRanch.
  11. jjranch

    jjranch Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Shelbyville, TN
    Thanks for reading the thread.

    Its a good thing you held out. I would have felt bad if you had went there and got screwed over because of me.
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