Central Refrigeration Service, Inc. - West Valley, Ut.

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by earthbrown, May 27, 2006.

  1. earthbrown

    earthbrown Medium Load Member

    May 27, 2006
    I work for central, and also went through their school....

    Great school in NY, knowledgable people, the problem is alot of the people that they hire are scumbags, and the turnover rate is about 50-60% of the people that they train....that is their cost of doing business.

    I have been with them for 4months, including 1 month in the truck with a trainer....I got lucky, I had an exellent trainer, he was laid back and a company driver so he was less worried about the miles than the owner op trainers. I drove 13k miles durring training, and had a very positive experiance.

    The first month I was in my truck, I averaged only 2000miles a week, but after my f/m got to know me and realized I can handle it and do the job right, I have been getting 2700-3200miles a week, with my lowest weeks being when I go home obviously.

    If you can do the work they will keep you busy, If you constantly f-up they will boot you, they cant have people messing around with 100k in equipment and more importantly the customers product.

    This being said, they do have their problems, but what company doesnt. I like them and will probably become a trainer when my experiance allows.

    FZ37, DEEMO and Ms.Jesse Thank this.
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  3. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    I've seen mostly positive posts on Central Ref.On other boards as well. I wish you well.Not everyone can hadle refers.
  4. Black_Knight_Express

    Black_Knight_Express Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2006
    Just don't do the lease there...

  5. big_dawg_ut

    big_dawg_ut Bobtail Member

    Jul 12, 2006

    if not central then who is a good company to lease to own from
  6. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    A good outfit to lease from is Hunt Transport out of Omaha. They're flatbed only, though. This company is connected to Crete Transportation, which is definitely a good outfit to work for. Maybe you could lease on with CCC.

    I say Hunt is "good" and not "great" because I've seen their ads in those slick truck-stop magazines an awful lot in the past. They like to toot their own horns about how they are the "other" company named Hunt, the GREAT one.

    But if they WERE so great, they'd not need that ad, you know what I'm sayin'?.

    Check into them. They may be worth working for. I know CCC is.
  7. jimijam66

    jimijam66 Bobtail Member

    Dec 24, 2005
    What reasons can you give not to lease at Central. I know a few drivers Leased to them, they are very happy. Central has one of the best Lease programs around. I'm intested to see your statement of Just don't do the lease there...

    BKE backed up with Fact.
  8. Duckie

    Duckie Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    I have thought about moving over to these guys, I love flatbedding but tired of acheing muscles and sunburn. Can someone give me a true breakdown of thier payscale.
  9. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    I see central Ref in New England ,But not as much as I see C.R.England up here.
  10. earthbrown

    earthbrown Medium Load Member

    May 27, 2006
    I live in the new york area, and rarely see anything east of albany, as far as getting into NE, rarely ever. I think, not 100% but i think CRE is a bigger company.

    Most of my stuff is east coast area, with the rare trip out west to salt lake for service. I like the eastern us, with an exception being the 55mph states.

  11. Black_Knight_Express

    Black_Knight_Express Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2006
    Another good one is John Christner Trucking out of Sapulpa OK. If reefer is your thing then JCT is where to go. Brand new petes, kw's, classics, and international eagles.

    my lowest week has been 3300 miles..home time.
    my highest 5200 miles..average take home..1600 a week.

    They pay all base plates, permits, state fuel and road taxes, scales, tolls, and fuel surcharge on loaded and empty miles based on national average.

    its a 5 year lease with a 1 dollar payoff at the end. None of the "oh, you gotta pay us the book value for the truck" crap that others (central to name 1) try to pull. its yours in 5.

    they pay .90 a mile on loaded and mt miles. They take out .05 for an interest bearing maint acct. .02 for an interest bearing tire acct. and a grand at 50 bucks per week for your performance bond..again an interest bearing acct.

    If you walk away from the lease before you finish..all three accts are closed out and sent to you in 45 days per federal law.

    check em out..its a square deal.

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