Dreaming about sleeping while driving

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by hup, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. hup

    hup Medium Load Member

    Oct 19, 2010
    Missoula, MT
    I have this semi-recurring horrible dream where I become aware that I'm asleep, and I'm sure I'm driving.. and its a horrible feeling, I can't wake up! and I keep waiting for the telling signs of going off the road or something equally bad or worse. But it doesn't happen.. and I thank god, and I keep trying to open my eyes, but nothing, just darkness.. this cycle repeats for awhile..

    ..until eventually, I become cognizant enough to realize..I'm in the sleeper, not the driver's seat. Phew...

    Anyone else have this one?
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  3. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    Not since I quit microdot !!!!:biggrin_255:
  4. zebcohobo

    zebcohobo Vincent Van Gopher

    Jul 19, 2010
    I have a recuring dream where someone is breaking into my house and I wake up but can't move or open my eyes. I hear them going through my stuff, drinking my beer etc. No matter how much I rage I can't move or make a sound. I hear them coming down the hall. I hear them open my bedroom door and then I wake up. It sucks everytime. I always get up and check on the beer before going back to sleep. I've started keeping the good beer in the closet and putting skunky beer in the fridge just in case.
    Catfishbilly and SheepDog Thank this.
  5. Frenzy

    Frenzy Medium Load Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    Seattle, WA
    Freaky Sleep Paralysis: Being Awake in Your Nightmares


    I ran across this topic a few days ago.
  6. Rollover the Original

    Rollover the Original Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2009
    I started to take naps about 15 years before my little medical problem happened but I would lay on top of the blankets. My repeating dream was the truck was rolling backwards down a really steep mountain and no matter how hard I stood on the brakes the truck would not stop and when I got to the curves and I was steering around them I would finally not make one and go over the edge!

    The crazy thing was if I covered up with my Afghan I would not have a dream. I did learn to wake my arse up whenever I started to have that insane dream!

    I won't even tell you about the ones while trying to quit smoking and using the patch!
  7. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    i have those types every now and then but usually only if i've run a ragged schedule and only if i'm actually in the sleeper not in a "normal" bed.

    How is your schedule lately?
  8. Kittyfoot

    Kittyfoot Crusty Ancient

    Sep 21, 2009
    Sorrento, Louisiana
    Congrats, you are now a REAL trucker!!!:biggrin_2559:Dreaming about falling asleep at the wheel is about the most common "trucker dream" there is.

    Variations include waking up in a parking lot convinced that you're moving, bailing out of the bunk to grab the wheel and stomp the heck out of the brake pedal.:biggrin_2559:

    Relax, they'll go away in a year or two or five or sumpin.:biggrin_25525:
  9. BigJohn54

    BigJohn54 Gone, but NEVER forgotten

    May 13, 2011
    SW Missouri
    There's nothing worse than waking up while sleeping over the wheel. You look across the pavement and you are headed into the grass. I was literally bouncing in the seat mashing the brakes and trying to downshift. My wife had to convince me we were parked.

    This was back in the day when you drove as much as you could handle. That was supposed to be a short nap but after just about stroking out, I climbed into the sleeper and slept.

    I have also seen things that could only exist in one's mind. Sleep depravation is a strange thing.
  10. zebcohobo

    zebcohobo Vincent Van Gopher

    Jul 19, 2010
    The black dog strikes again huh driver:biggrin_2559:
  11. BigJohn54

    BigJohn54 Gone, but NEVER forgotten

    May 13, 2011
    SW Missouri
    I never saw the black dog but.........

    How about a gnome leaning on a mile marker sneering at you. Then another fifteen minutes and you slam on your brakes for a horse drawn carriage crossing the Interstate.

    I don't know about you but I got off at the next exit and slept. As Clint said, "A man's got to know his limitations".:biggrin_25523:
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