Blood Alcohol when driving personal vehicle

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by calmar_1955, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. calmar_1955

    calmar_1955 Light Load Member

    Jun 23, 2007
    Here's a topic I haven't seen talked about: Blood alcohol levels while driving personal vehicles.

    Did you know once you get your CDL, your blood alcohol level at which you can be charged with drunk driving while operating your non-CDL vehicle is also 0.02?

    A co-worker got nailed - he blew a 0.04, and felt he was safe when he got the eye-opener! Technically, he lost his license to drive a non-CDL vehicle, but it was still an OWI on his record.

    Talk about an expensive education!
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  3. TopShelf

    TopShelf Light Load Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    That's why you don't blow.
  4. Hitman

    Hitman Mr. Gamer

    Sep 5, 2006
    Tioga, PA
    That's why you don't drink and drive.
  5. Scuby

    Scuby Heavy Load Member

    Mar 10, 2007
    In Cali its .01. The Federal Government and the states believes (correctly so) having a CDL means your a professional and should know better. I know this is harsh, but your friend lost his/her ability to drive a CMV for 3-5 years since most companies won't hire till then. When I have a beer I stay put or take a cab.
  6. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    Ohboy I have heard more than once about the"I just used mouth wash" thing.

    Morning breath here we come!!!
  7. 25(2)+2

    25(2)+2 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    the road less travelled
    Having a CDL is akin to having a target painted on your back just waiting for someone that doesn't like truckers and is in Law Enforcement to tag you. Some believe that any drinking by anyone with the credentials to operate a CMV is an undue threat to public safety. Some are out to change the world, and feel justified in doing whatever it takes to remove drivers from CMVs.

    All this being said, do not drink in public at all and be very careful if you do drink not to even get into a vehicle with the keys until you have had time to metabolize the alcohol. It doesn't matter if it's a car or your sleeper, having the means to drive it might be considered the same as driving it. I turn down lots of drinks at receptions and parties.
  8. GasHauler

    GasHauler Master FMCSA Interpreter

    Oct 23, 2005
    I don't know if I believe that one or not. You'd have to show me where it says in the law that the laws are different for you just because you hold a CDL. I know my company would let you go if you got a DWI in your car and that's because of the insurance requirements they have. But to charge you for a crime in your POV that is meant for trucks IMHO is ridiculous. I'd have to see the law. BTW I don't drink and hate drunk drivers.
  9. rex

    rex Light Load Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    I'm with Gashauler here. I can't find any such law in my rulebook but I only know the laws in the seven states I run in so I can't speak about everywhere. Could someone be pulling your leg or only giving you part of the story? Did you hear this in a truckstop or over the CB? (lol) By the way, I hate drunks too, Gas...
  10. Scuby

    Scuby Heavy Load Member

    Mar 10, 2007
    Well at this point to me the new Cali law is a rumor, but like I said if I had a beer I stay put or take a cab. I'm not risking my license or job to test that rumor.
  11. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    I dont know the exact law.

    Either way they enforce it.

    I have read more than a few times about drivers busted in their reg 4 wheeler and
    held to the CDL standard.
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