Security alarm systems?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Wild Murphy, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Wild Murphy


    Mar 25, 2014
    Anyone use any type of security alarm system for when you are away from your truck? Anyone ever had their truck messed with? And I am talking just with the tractor, not the trailer? Any door alarms out there?
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  3. G.Anthony

    G.Anthony Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    When ever I had a company truck, I locked it up and walked away. If the company had meant to have an alarm system, they would have installed it. Just by locking up everything satisfies the insurance company in most instances. Your personal belongings are no one's responsibility but your own.

    Besides, even if you did have an alarm system, you'd be too far away to respond to it. Also true too, how many times have you heard a car alarm go off in the mall parking lot, and you (as well as dozens of others) simply either ignore it or just walk on by? I'll never spend MY money on a company truck. I hide things out of sight, leave the sleeper curtains open so that they can see I am not hiding a big screen tv or whatever, and I'll just go about my business. And to answer your question about my truck/trailer being messed with......NO.

    You CAN park in a well lit area, but that simply is NO guarantee nothing will happen. Brazzen crooks work 24/7/364..(they take at least one day off....!!) Mother's Day I think....
    Wild Murphy and Vilhiem Thank this.
  4. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Reminds me of a driver that wrote a blog for a truck magazine. One article he wrote said how he left his truck on some side street in Orange County and drove his p/u truck to Vegas and when returning a big rig tow was hooked to his truck with alarm going off ready to tow it away. Does anyone pay attention when you hear a car alarm going off ?
    Wild Murphy Thanks this.
  5. G.Anthony

    G.Anthony Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    going back for a moment, if the truck did have some type of alarm, and one is parked at the "back 40", no way, no hell, are you going to run all the way from the truck stop building to the truck, in time, to catch someone. all one can do is keep the windows rolled up, lock the doors, be sure the keys are in your pocket, not the ignition switch, and hide all valuables. i don't believe i have ever seen an o/o with an alarmed rig. many have dogs though. that may be the cheapest, best alarm. no one will know if the dog is waking up someone, or how vicious it is.
    Wild Murphy Thanks this.
  6. icsheeple

    icsheeple Trailing the Herd

    Nov 1, 2013
    Kansas City, KS
    I installed a Ravelco.
    Wild Murphy Thanks this.
  7. kitCat

    kitCat Light Load Member

    Oct 13, 2013
  8. barroll

    barroll Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2010
    Southwest Michigan
    The PO of my K100 had three alarms in the truck. They got so many citations from the police over their alarm going off all night that they decided to sell it and rent a tractor when needed.
    Wild Murphy Thanks this.
  9. Younggs1

    Younggs1 Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Ravelco is the best value for the money and the bonus is they come to you to install it included in the price. There are a bunch of news reports now that crooks have scanners to break the radio code of alarms and factory security. Police still don't know what they are using last I saw. Have a Ravelco on my truck and sleep well every night. Like the installer said, what have you got to lose? Just look them up on the web for an installer close by. Good testimonials on the site got me to buy. Stay safe out there guys and gals!
  10. icsheeple

    icsheeple Trailing the Herd

    Nov 1, 2013
    Kansas City, KS
    My Ravelco started melting, and the car audio installer I paid to remove it had it bypassed in ten minutes. And he had never seen or heard of Ravelco before. I just shook my head and spit out the koolaid.
  11. striker

    striker Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Denver, Co
    Oct. 2009, my then new truck was broken into, in the company yard, lit up by flood lights, behind an 8' fence and magnetic locked gate, topped with 16" of razor wire.........................where there's a will, there's a way
    Wild Murphy Thanks this.
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