RJS Logistics, Monroe, NC

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by true blue, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. true blue

    true blue Medium Load Member

    Jul 13, 2011
    Harrisburg, NC
    I would strongly recommend NOT doing any business with these people. I did a credit check on them with Ansonia and it came up with numerous outstanding trucking invoices of over 100 days. When I called them on it, they said they were mainly a produce broker and had a lot of claims on produce and guys not turning in their original bills or all the ppwk making problems for truckers getting paid on time. The credit company said that that made sense, so I called Mike back and he said if I was concerned about the pay I could come by and pick up a Comcheck after delivering the load. I told him that would work. Keep in mind that this is still risky. You cannot file on a brokers bond on a intrastate run if they don't pay you. I only thought I'd take a chance since this was a shipper close to the house and I figured I could go to them if the broker didn't pay me.

    When I arrived at the shipper I gave them the p/u information, pulled in the mill and waited 40 minutes before being told they accidentally loaded it on the wrong truck. They offered me another short haul load and I let Mike know, who OK'd it. I took the load, which had a COD (pick up a check for the steel from the consignee) on the BOL.

    I asked Mike for another rate confirmation for this new load at the same rate of $450 and he agreed to send it. I wasn't too worried about it since I would be in possession of a check for thousands of dollars to the customer. If RJS played games, I had an ace in the hole.

    I delivered the load and since I hadn't recieved the rate con yet, I just went home. Didn't want to drive to Monroe in afternoon traffic anyway.
    The next morning, I emailed Mike at 5:18 am.

    I still haven’t received the rate con for yesterday’s run that changed from Albemarle, NC to Gastonia, NC.
    Can you please send it?
    You can send it to either email address or fax it, if it’s easier.


    At 9:09 am Mike emails me:
    No prob Marty. David Rollins will get you that confirmation.


    Michael Lee

    At 11:44 am I sent:

    You said I could come by and pick up a ComCheck for the load upon delivery, but without a rate con for it, I can’t.
    We’re running out of time for me to get down there.
    Can you please send it over, asap?


    11:56 Mike sends:
    In any sort of quick pay we would need the original paperwork. You should mail and probably get a com check Monday.


    Michael Lee

    12:22 I send:

    I think you know the importance of having the correct rate con in order for me to bill you.
    If I billed you for the load you authorized by phone to Gastonia with the previous rate con to Albemarle, you could easily withhold my pay for lack of documentation – the very thing we discussed was your issues with so many late payments to your carriers.
    Let’s not delay anymore on this rate con to me, OK?
    And are you now backing off on your original offer for me to pick up a ComCheck upon delivery because of my concerns for getting paid, due to your bad credit rating?
    You specifically stated I could come by your office to pick up the ComCheck.

    At 1:08 pm Mike sent this (note how he's still trying to get me to send him the original ppwk WITHOUT sending me an updated rate con with the other destination, which would leave me up a creek without a paddle). This guy is slick, or so he thinks.:
    We need original paperwork. Have you sent that in or can you come to the office today?


    1:43 pm I sent this (not allowing him to get my original ppwk without that new rate con):
    I’ll be glad to provide you with original ppwk.
    You still need to send my the rate con for the new destination to Gastonia.
    Otherwise, we can’t even do an invoice.

    At 1:43 pm Mike sent:
    David, please send Marty a confirmation showing Gastonia to the address Marty provides. Ease do this ASAP


    1:49 pm I get a rate con for $400 from David Rollins.

    I then send this email to David, copying Mike at 11:50 am:

    Rate was $450

    11:52 am David sent me:
    I did not edit or build this load. $400 is whats is in there. Mike is $450 correct? It shows $400

    2:25 pm Mike sent:
    Yes. $450 is correct.

    Marty, are you going to come to the office today?


    2:30 pm, David sends me the corrected rate con for the agreed upon $450.

    2:40 pm I send Mike:

    You can have the Comcheck for $450 for pick up when I arrive?

    2:40 pm Mike says:
    I have to get with Accounting Deptarment tot see how busy they are. What time were you thinking?


    3:00 pm I send Mike:
    So, why would you say I could come by and pick up a check after I unload, but now you have to check with your Accounting Dept.?
    Things keep changing on your end.
    I can’t keep up with it all.
    I don’t care if it’s a company check, as long as I get the check for $450 when I come by, as promised by you.
    Have them make out the check now and when I get there, it’ll be done.
    Is it a deal?

    3:25 pm Mike sends:
    Marty, I don't understand why you are so frustrated. I told you that we will pay you if you bring me the originals. You will be charged the Quick Pay fee of 4% of gross. I only asked you what time you will be going to our office because our Accounting Department is very busy and they cut check certain times of the day. No need to come by the office if you are going to be irate with my Accounting Department. I can send you a check how ever, but figured a com check would be best. What is your ETA? We don't usually do this so I am making it happen because you helped me out yesterday.


    Michael Lee

    3:48 I send Mike:

    I’m not irate. Just stating the facts in black & white.
    If you’re going to charge 4% for picking up a Comcheck, you should have mentioned that yesterday.
    I’ll just have Janice bill you.

    3:56 pm Mike sends:
    Marty, you signed a contract that had our Quick Pay terms. That is one regulation I cannot waive for you. It is a standard thing in the industry you have been in for 30 years. I am not trying to " pull one over on you." It seems that you feel that I have misled or deliberately misinformed you...this is not the case. Our Quick Pay terms are on the contract you signed in "black and white." If you want Quick Pay please have Janice state that on the invoice and if you want a com check or company check mailed out. You helped me out yesterday and I appreciate it very much.


    4:11 pm I send:
    That’s fine, Mike.
    Oh, and I’m too professional to give your accounting dept. a hard time by being irate with them.
    Why would I take it out on somebody who had nothing to do with the problem?
    My big challenge today has been trying to get the updated rate con (which really should have been sent yesterday) so I could come down and get you the ppwk and get paid.
    It was like pulling teeth and so now it’s too late to stop by your office.
    I’ll just have Janice take care of mailing you all the originals.

    4:19 pm Mike concludes:
    We would have paid you with either confirmation just as long as you had the original POD. No worries...please let me know when you need another load.

    Yeah, right Mike! Don't worry! You'll never see or hear from me again because I won't work with people like you.
    See other posters story on RJS by Sandafleet.
    Rodd, rollin coal and BigJls1 Thank this.
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