60 series Detroit / head off for injector cup??

Discussion in 'Freightliner Forum' started by jmlash75, May 16, 2012.

  1. jmlash75

    jmlash75 Bobtail Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    Mooresville NC
    Can anyone tell me if you have to take the head off of a Detroit 60 series to replace the injector cups? I have fuel getting into my coolant system, and am told it is injector cups. Ive heard from some that the head has to come off for this. I have also heard that the head does not need t come off. Thank you in advance for some insight to this question.
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  3. jakemcclure

    jakemcclure Bobtail Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    If you have EPA04 detroit or newer, i believe that is DDEC V and newer (could be 4's also) then the head will NOT have to come off.. the cups on those model engines and newer use stainless steel cups and they screw out. Anything older then they will have to come off. If you have an EGR engine, then you are safe. You will need the tool to remove and install the cups though, which is about $85 and cups are about $13/each and it's a good/smart/wise idea to replace all of them if you replace any of them. also a good idea to replace injector o-rings as well.
    jmlash75 and sdc49 Thank this.
  4. truckersrstupid

    truckersrstupid Bobtail Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    The previous post isn't 100% true. DDEc IV's can not be serviced on the engine. Only DDEC V's can be. The DDEC IV still used an N2 injector, which is the old style press-in and machine cups. N3's and E3's can be serviced without pulling the head (they do thread in from the top). You can tell pretty quick by looking at the injectors. If they have terminals w/screws holding the wires to the injector solenoid, then you're screwed. If they are plug-in style connectors, you're golden.
  5. sdc49

    sdc49 Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    adamsville, tn
    Please help! Can you water test in N3 injector cups without injectors in place?
  6. bad-luck

    bad-luck Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2013
    Baltimore, Maryland
  7. d60-14

    d60-14 Light Load Member

    May 23, 2012
    On 12.7L ser60 you have to remove the head to replace injector cups, on 14L ser60 you will need a tool for the cups, the head stays on. The 14L ser60 has a better cups made of stainless steel, 12.7 ser60 cups are bronze or brass. When you getting fuel in the coolant, this is from injector seals (o-rings), most likely this engine is over 1 000 000 miles or was overheated very often. If you replace the injectors, you must put a new injector cups or you will end up paying twice for the same job. I had a ser60 14L with the same problem, we replaced the seals and the injectors, but not the cups. This engine was running fine, but sometime misfired when hot about 190, it turned out the problem was from the injector cups.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
    sdc49 Thanks this.
  8. Pablo-UA

    Pablo-UA Road Train Member

    Oct 11, 2010
    Borispol, Ukraine
    On newer series 60 you screw cups in with hexagen tool, on old - yep - remove head
    sdc49 Thanks this.
  9. sdc49

    sdc49 Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    adamsville, tn
    If you pull the injectors you should replace cups, even if it is not a new injector, but the ones you took out correct. I'm looking for a water leak at cylinder 6, small leak. Checked the top of cup today, no water. I put a 10 psi on and seen water droplets down #6 sleeve after 20 hours under test. I'm a little worried about pulling head. I've rebuilt 12.7 but everyone says this are alot different, seem the same to me except for timing pins, torque values its a detriot. I pretty much always put things back exactly the same. I guess I'm looking for a little support. Ordered tool for cups for overnight delivery tommorrow. I'm going to put new cups in and retest before pulling head. Wishful thinking.

    I was just wondering if top of cylinder could be inspected before head removal with some like the following, have any of you ever used anything like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/251357946983?lpid=82.
  10. d60-14

    d60-14 Light Load Member

    May 23, 2012
    ......You can buy the same tool from Harbor Freight.
    sdc49 Thanks this.
  11. sdc49

    sdc49 Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    adamsville, tn
    I am going there today, but don't know if they will have something that fits thru cup hole. Stopping at freightliner and picking up cup on the way, will let you know.
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