Looking forward to Knight's Squire program

Discussion in 'Knight' started by aecarr, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Knight Road Warrior

    Knight Road Warrior Bobtail Member

    Jan 10, 2015
    Las Vegas NV
    I like your advice and I think you are right. Keep that attitude. I start Orientation with Knight at the end of the month. and my Range Training in Phoenix on 2/2/15. I've been researching and planning for this career cahnge for 4 years. I think it is safe to say that ALL companies have their good and bad. I also think it is relative to the attitude of the individuals in them. So, positive get s positive and negative gets...

    Thanks for your post.
  2. Truckers Report Jobs

    Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds

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  3. Charlie Mac

    Charlie Mac Ears On, Hammer Down

    Dec 29, 2015
    Let us know how it goes KRW.
  4. rokue

    rokue Heavy Load Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    I am leaving the company I work for pretty soon to go for a couple weeks of training and to get away from the disrespect I am getting right now. I have heard the nashville terminal treats you pretty well though I would rather be out of Memphis.
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