information on knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by crst trucker 06, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. skyviper73

    skyviper73 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 17, 2012
    Centennial, CO
    I just did some research on American Furniture. They don't offer the hometime I'm looking for. They also pay worse than Knight. The pay thing isn't as important to me as hometime. My wife works and makes better money than I do, so my budget is fine. I just want to drive OTR, like I love to do, and at the same time get a bigger chunk of time at home than I do now. That's if I can get home at all.

    I also looked at Furniture Row Express. That's refer work and sitting at food warehouses. Been there. Done that. Don't want to do that again!

    Just looking for a company that has a yard or terminal in Denver and offers 14/7. Right now, that's Knight. Unless anyone has other info for me to look into.
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  3. RizenPhoenix

    RizenPhoenix Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    Santa Cruz, CA
    Running East at Knight is a total Knightmare. Short mile loads with too long to deliver them and once you are out of your home terminals control you will be everyone's biz itch. Every time I went east with them it took minimum 1 1/2 months to get back. After getting back I was getting called on my first day off and being TOLD they had a load for me the next day. Also they are feeding you a line about you can choose which way you want to run. They will give you loads in whatever direction they need at the time. You will be forced per diem and that will cost you 2 cpm, so you will actually be paid 26cpm and 8cpm per diem, not the 36cpm they quote you.
  4. Hunny Bunny Trucker

    Hunny Bunny Trucker Light Load Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    I am not sure of the Denver terminal, I heard they moved to a bigger one recently. I live in San Jose and I have no real complaints about Knight except their insurance policy and ignorance about domestic partnerships. Since beginning with them in April I have 35,829 miles. I get home when I want to get home, and I stay home for as long as I want to. I do not get hassled. Like next week I'm taking a week off. I've been running for the last 3 weeks without a 34 hour restart and still managed 9,400 miles in that 21 day period. I am one of Tulare's most productive drivers because I get the job done and I'm not lazy and I don't get tickets or accidents (except for one single incident in which conway decided they could dispense with my services) and I have every endorsement, my TWIC card, and passport. I prefer elogs and I will never drive for a company that doesn't use em.

    I speak mainly from my own experience. I've driven for others and to be honest I prefer knight over conway. Already I have been home more often than conway and I drove for them for a year. Being home is very important to me.
    Lab work and skyviper73 Thank this.
  5. Hunny Bunny Trucker

    Hunny Bunny Trucker Light Load Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    I got off per diem within a week I started. I got ahold of payroll, had them fax me an opt out sheet and I faxed it back and that was done.
    skyviper73 Thanks this.
  6. KingObeat

    KingObeat Light Load Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I'm starting orientation on Tuesday at the Tulare Termina. Really hoping Knight turns out to be a better fit for me since.
  7. Hunny Bunny Trucker

    Hunny Bunny Trucker Light Load Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    I'll be back in Tulare by Tuesday for my PM. If you're around I can tell you my personal experiences there. The terminal's great. The shop is fast and efficient. The dispatchers and planner is easy to work with.If you ever get confused ask Ron, he can help you. After 3 years of driving I'm still learning and Ron's saved my bacon quite a few times.

    I have met people in other terminals and for the most part I liked everyone I met.

    Tulare has the same problem that most of the terminals have. Don't use the showers unless you want to be sick.
  8. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Agree on the running East..also, lots of sitting time if do so.

    Concerning their 'default' per diem: I wised up and 'tried' to get off of it---took me a piece of paper and "3" signatures to the highest level to get an authorization.. Then when the next year Jan came around..they 'defaulted' me back!!! I was very, very, very disappointed with Knight, but had gotten used to 'bending over and taking it' during the 5 yrs that I worked there....<BTW, still hurts when I sit down 4 yrs later>
  9. mitrucker

    mitrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Lapeer, MI
    Said it before, been here since March, still happy. Plenty of miles, great DM, brand new truck. I go home every third weekend and stay home for 3-4 days. So far so good. It took me one week to get off the per diem.
    skyviper73 Thanks this.
  10. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Will see your per diem status come the end of Jan. 2013...keep us abreast!
  11. mitrucker

    mitrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Lapeer, MI
    I will be watching out for that. At least I am on daily pay, so I will be able to catch it quickly. Thanks for the warning.
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