Mack LE600 overheating in dead of winter

Discussion in 'Mack Forum' started by cabwrecker, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    Hi there folks,

    One of the trucks in my companies fleet is a Mack LE600. My poor bossman has had nearly endless trouble with this thing; to the extent that he could've probably paid half of it off just in the repairs it's needed since he bought it over a year ago.

    At this moment, the truck is overheating, which is interesting considering it's currently -2 degree outside.

    It's got coolant, and plenty of it. Free of blockage.
    It has oil, just changed last month. Oil system is free of blockage. Filter is free of clogs. Oil has proper viscosity, ect.
    The belt is firmly attached, no unusual wear and the fan is working fine.
    Thermostat is operating fine as well.

    Just out of curiosity, have any of you had this issue with an LE600?

    I'd say the best course of action is to drive this thing off a cliff and into a lake, the boss agrees; but there's not a lot that can be done to change out this truck at the moment.
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  3. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    There's a possibility the radiator is clogged on the outside. Especially if you run in a dusty environment.
  4. dannythetrucker

    dannythetrucker Road Train Member

    May 26, 2011
    everywhere, man
  5. knightrider77

    knightrider77 Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    columbus oh.
    Is it pukein or just hot on the gauge it could be the gauge on temp sensor. Sound dumb but if there ice in the radiator fins would cause that you'd think the heat would melt it but I had a old pickup that did that wouldn't hurt to check
  6. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    Hey there guys, we just got it back from the shop literally a few hours ago.Took calling in a big favor on my bosses part to rush her in like that; we need this truck on residential sanitation that badly.

    At any rate, the water pump was a charlie/foxtrot- she's running good again.

    A word to the wise, for any of you looking at this particular chasis. The engine is generally speaking, good. Mechanical components that are non-driveline related are horribly bad. Constant suspension problems, steering setup is always failing to some degree or another, electronics are a plain mess. And let's not forget literally the worst mirror/door system imaginable. And the seats suck, too!
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