Van Wyk Inc.

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Mattaponi Guard, Jun 28, 2010.

  1. hawkjr

    hawkjr Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    When you have to go up north and take a shower STOP!! don't let anybody in that office push you hard to get up there... But what time frame are you driving in?? 10 A.M. to Midnight???? When running the north east try to see if you can stay at the shippper/receiver, if you can then park at the closest truck stop early!! if they say something to you, just tell them you need somewhere to park... But they arent a bad outfit by no means, alot of #### deadheading with that percentage stuff thats really my only gripe (deadheaded over 500 miles last week) but where are you having trouble at finding parking?? where do you be heading to?? Warners, Norton, Albany??
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  3. Mattaponi Guard

    Mattaponi Guard Medium Load Member

    Oct 28, 2009
    I guess I'm still having a hard time managing my time, so I run hard and get caught sucking wind. All three locations out of Front Royal, and yes there is alot of deadheading, and some of the brokered loads, well theirs alot to said about them as well. So I'm heading to Cincinnati on Sunday, then on to Illinois, a three stop load out of Whiteway. Be safe!
  4. hawkjr

    hawkjr Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Well just remember when you got to Albany stay at the Rest Area in between Exit 9 and 10, it's really never full.. At Warners and Norton i think there's overnight parking.. I got a Albany for Sunday so you be safe as well..
  5. jellybean

    jellybean Medium Load Member

    Mar 1, 2010
    Central MD
    hawk-i am considering applying at van wyk but i have a couple questions. How often do you run northeast and do they have a lot of midwest/south runs as well? do they run 48 states out of the waynesboro terminal if you want to? thanks
  6. hawkjr

    hawkjr Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Run the northeast quite alot but not along the I-95 corridor as much.. we do service a sysco out in Norton Mass right off of 495 but they will deadhead you as far south as Allentown to pick up a load to come right back to Front Royal..But majority is up I-81 to the Syracuse and Albany Area.. Also Buffalo...

    They do go out the the Midwest, as far as Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakota's...Not alot of guys take the loads out West that i'm aware of, there's a few but not a whole compared to the deal at Sysco in Front Royal.. We do run 48 states but thats mainly wit the guys out in Iowa and Kansas...
  7. jellybean

    jellybean Medium Load Member

    Mar 1, 2010
    Central MD
    but guys out of the waynesboro terminal do get offered a fair amount of midwest freight as well?
  8. Woody75

    Woody75 Bobtail Member

    Jul 20, 2010
    Let us know how your experience goes with Van Wyk. They seem interested in me, once I get my CDL and grad from CDL School. I talked to them (on the phone of course) for 15 to 20 min. Sounds like a good company. They are the only company, so far, that really wanted to explain how they operate and what I may expect form them once hired. Oh by the way, they told me not to worry about running into Canada, they rarely run that way and they have drivers already set to do those runs.
  9. rclsr1961

    rclsr1961 Light Load Member

    Jul 28, 2010
    charleston, wv
    Hey who is in charge at Waynesboro, I was there three years ago and the guy in charge there took good care of me, wish I would have stayed.
  10. jcroom76

    jcroom76 Light Load Member

    Aug 17, 2007
    If I remember right back in 05 when i was there the younger guy was Cory, not sure what the older guys name was but they both kept me running all the miles I could handle.
  11. hawkjr

    hawkjr Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    @Rclsr1961.. Cory is still in charge and he has a younger chick there that also handles dispatching

    @jellybean... yes guys out of Waynesboro do get midwest a fair amount of midwest freight.. loads going out east sucks, but usually the meat loads going back east makes up for it.. if you let em know you like to run out west they will try to keep you west..
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