Pneumatic bulk tankers

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Burky, May 15, 2006.

  1. HouseOfPain

    HouseOfPain Medium Load Member

    Nov 18, 2009
    Beyond the milky way
    I looked into it but never called, I wonder if they hire out in jersey?
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  3. Dewey V

    Dewey V Bobtail Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Lititz PA
    You might want to look into Albany Transport. They are owned by Bulk Transit.
  4. HouseOfPain

    HouseOfPain Medium Load Member

    Nov 18, 2009
    Beyond the milky way
    Can't find any info on them:biggrin_25524: you have a scoop to fill?
  5. Dewey V

    Dewey V Bobtail Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Lititz PA
    I'm not affiliated with them. I was an O/O with Bulk Transit for many years and they are a good company in my opinion. If you do a Google search you will find them.
  6. HouseOfPain

    HouseOfPain Medium Load Member

    Nov 18, 2009
    Beyond the milky way
    Yes I did find their website but they don't have a terminal around my area. I'll give them a call monday to see what they are offering
  7. suitor

    suitor Bobtail Member

    Nov 28, 2010
    The new rules dictating a CDL permit require a multitude of test.

    1. a 50 question "General Knowledge" test.
    2. a 25 question "Air-Brake" test.

    3. A 25 question "Combination test".
    4. A 25 question Tanker test."

    These are all requirements now. You can fail 10 on the 50 question test.

    And 5 on the other's.

    Plus, the driving test...A 45* back up test. A 100 foot straight backing test. A reverse parallel test. Yes, backing up to do a parallel park. of which 99% of all CDL truckers will never do in 30 years of driving.

    Then the pre-check test. Name the following:

    1. For an average commercial vehicle, being driven at 55 MPH on dry pavement it will take about ____ to bring the vehicle to a stop.
    1. What can legally hold a parking or emergency brake in position for a truck, truck tractor or bus?
      1. When driving down a long steep hill you should:
      [SIZE=+1]a. [/SIZE]Use stab braking.
      [SIZE=+1]b. [/SIZE]Begin braking when you are 10 M.P.H. above your safe speed.
      [SIZE=+1]c. [/SIZE]Release the brake when you are 5 M.P.H. below your
      [SIZE=+1]d. [/SIZE]Use the trailer brakes.
      1. Which of the following makes the total stopping distance for air brakes longer than that for hydraulic brakes.
    2. [SIZE=+1]a. [/SIZE]Brake lag distance.
      [SIZE=+1]b. [/SIZE]Action distance.
      [SIZE=+1]c. [/SIZE]Perception distance.
      [SIZE=+1]d. [/SIZE]Effective braking distance.
      1. Air loss in a straight truck or bus should not be more than ____ with the engine off and the brakes on.
      [SIZE=+1]a. [/SIZE]1 psi in 30 seconds
      [SIZE=+1]b. [/SIZE]1 psi in one minute
      [SIZE=+1]c. [/SIZE]2 psi in 45 seconds
      [SIZE=+1]d. [/SIZE]3 psi in one minute
    Most new drivers must use a school as the pre-inspection test must be memorized and verbally spoken to the DOT examiner. The pre-inspection test takes about 45-60 minutes to complete. There are 14 instant reasons why the DOT examiner will fail you. Thus, you must know what to state and when to state it.

    Of which fewer than 20 % of all drivers will remeber in a week after the test.

    Here are sample test:

    Under the MENU section you will see: General knowledge
    Air brakes.
    Combo vehicles.


  8. jvar4001

    jvar4001 Medium Load Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    0 i have more than 2 years but havent been driven since 9 months now
  9. Indiana Man

    Indiana Man Bobtail Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    Pneumatic work is pretty easy. Yes, you are out in the weather monitoring things, it can clog up and so forth, but it forces you to to get off your dead behind and MOVE a little! You don't wait for a dock, you don't sit at a warehouse. You rarely deal with punks in a shipping office or dock area. People are usually glad to see you when you arrive. Usually it's just a maintenance man you deal with. You do your thing and go. HOWEVER: Making WEIGHT legal is a challenge. You can't move the tandems. You better get it loaded right the first time. You can shake the weight forward in most cases, but getting it to move backwards can be very tough. Sometimes it won't. I avoided more scales in one year of driving pneumatics than I did in eight yrs. of driving van. And you always gross out at 78-80,000 lbs. so get used to that. The other thing is you must be very careful with low bottom trailers. Even a small hump in a driveway or lot can damage bottom. I've done it.
  10. aussiejosh

    aussiejosh Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Airlie Beach QLd
    yeah Burky just as well your not doing dock work mate wow getting upset from a 30 minute wait most of us would be happy to only get held up for that short of time but hey i've thought about doing Pneumatic as well sounds like a good perk hey!
  11. heavychevyman

    heavychevyman Bobtail Member

    Dec 23, 2011
    are there any bulk companies that will hire with 6 months experience??
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