gemini transport ( Loves tanker yanker) need info

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by jons1powerwagon, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. jons1powerwagon

    jons1powerwagon Light Load Member

    Jun 3, 2009
    DuQuion Illinois
    looking at applying at local loves to drive local and haul fuel. Im hoping someone out there has some info on Gemini transport or hauling fuel for loves.
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  3. SmokeMac

    SmokeMac Medium Load Member

    Jan 31, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    I am a gas hauler for Eagle transport, good job like it nothing bad to say about Eagle. Having said that hauling fuel doesn't get any better than hauling it for truck stops. Easy to unload they pay about 25% more than common carriers do
    jons1powerwagon Thanks this.
  4. jons1powerwagon

    jons1powerwagon Light Load Member

    Jun 3, 2009
    DuQuion Illinois
    thanks smokemac, Ive never done fuel hauling before , My main concern is getting up on top of tank ( fear of heights and falling) LOL! Also whats it like at the fuel racks? Do they have guys load you or do you do it yourself and how hard is it to figure your weght when loading, Im guessing once its on the trk its your baby! any pointers and info is very much appreciated.
  5. SmokeMac

    SmokeMac Medium Load Member

    Jan 31, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    You might be better off not having Fuel hauling experience, because it will enable you to learn the business the Gemini way, and it will be gospel to you. We very rarely get on top of the truck so no worries there. The fuel racks are a pain in the you know what. I haul gas at night so they are not to bad. Usually in and out in 20 minutes. During the day there is a lot of waiting to get loaded about an hour to get in and out. We load our own trucks and isn't really that hard, just make sure when you are training your trainer isn't doing know work. You are doing it all. The weight isn't really that big of a deal to figure out 8800 gallons of gas is legal and 7800 diesel is legal.
    Gas hauling is great work and Gemini is where most Gas Haulers want to be.
    jons1powerwagon Thanks this.
  6. EasyDriver

    EasyDriver Bobtail Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Home Sweet Home
    Anyboby know anything about Gemini Transport, these guys are Love's Truckstop fuel transport division?
  7. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Yeah, all the fuel tankers I've seen delivering to Loves say Gemini on the doors. You can bet they're owned by Loves.
  8. EasyDriver

    EasyDriver Bobtail Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Home Sweet Home
    Hey SmokeMac,
    How are the benefits at Gemini? Do they pay by the load or hourly? I know its hard to find but would really love an hourly driving job.
  9. SmokeMac

    SmokeMac Medium Load Member

    Jan 31, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    Here in Savannah the Gemini drivers are paid by the load. Pilot pays by the hour. I know the Lead driver # Gemini maid over $80,000 last year but he is working 6 days a week. Don't know about there benifits
  10. wellbucket

    wellbucket Light Load Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Lone Star State
    I work for Gemini out of Amarillo. We run 7 trucks out of here and get paid by the load. Benefits are $24 per week for a single person and that's everything! We service 11 stores consistently and occasionaly a few others. Our regional manger is a really good guy and he used to drive for Loves. Most of the dispatchers and managment that I work with have driven fuel tanker before and understand the day to day B.S. that comes with driving. I get home every night and sleep in my bed and that is worth a lot, and make as much money as I ever did on the road. As far as working 6 days, I work 4 and occasionaly 5 and still average over $200 per day and it's not even peak season yet! I've even had a couple of $300+ days! All the people I work with are great and try to help each other all they can. Loves is growing in leaps and bounds and there is plenty of work. After 16 years of trucking OTR, this is the best job I've ever had.
  11. EasyDriver

    EasyDriver Bobtail Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Home Sweet Home
    I would be checking on the Ft. Worth area, is that the same regional manager that covers Amarillo? If so, how can I get in touch with him? :biggrin_25520:
    Tdjohn86 and wingnut105 Thank this.
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