Gainey Transportation Services, Inc. - Grand Rapids, Mi.

Discussion in 'Superservice' started by redrocker1055, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. redrocker1055

    redrocker1055 Light Load Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Ok i did not drive for them, but i did go to their orentation, which was a joke. the first day you take a piss test and a road test. day 2 is where you realy start to learn about this company's fault's. first thing they tell you is "be aware evreytime you pull in to scale house to be inspected 100% of the time" why because they are in so much trouble over driver loging that the dot is watching them all the time. because of that you have you have to log like you are in trouble before you are actualy in trouble. what i mean by this is that from my experence with my father's company and the other company i drove for, as long as you log a pre &post trip and and city, state for all your stops you will be just fine.
    With GTS you have not only log that but also road & mile marker plus you have say what you did IE. lunch.piss whatever you do you have to put on your loges in detail. The main reason i am not driveing for them hapend on the third day the day they told us we would get our trucks. three of us waited from 7am till 5:30pm for them to tell us they had no trucks avaible.
    one guy would have to ride with another driver to penn.- to pick up his truck which would have been fine for him except he was promised on the phone that he would get is truck in grand rapids, so he could swing by his house to get his stuff. the poor guy was flat broke and they expected him to get in a truck with a complete stranger just to pick up his truck. I gave the guy a couple hundred dolars and from the look on his face you would of thought i gave a kidney.... that's not the point. the point is they should have NEVER put him in that that sort of situation, cause any of you who know anythong about companies like these is that he would have picked up his truck and they would not have been able to get him home. there is not a huge freight base from penn. to grand rapids( i know because i when i got home i looked up at my dad's ofice) I was sure glad that i gave him that money because there was nonthing gts could have hauled for three days. you and i both know they would not have let him sit for three days.
    As for me and the other guy they sent us home with a "promise to get both of us a truck as soon as they could" luckly i had drove in the other guy had taken a bus, He asked them if they would pay for is ride home, they said no. He asked for a hotel room they said no. So i took him home( he lived in IL. i live in the thumb area of michigan). Also i was told by a guy in the driver lounge (i do not know for a fact if it's true) that at one of there yards there is a truck that has a tarp over it and a fence built around it because alegidly a team commited sucide by driveing off a bridge in it. I only menchin this because he told me their is a lawsuit brought by the family. the family said that gainey pushed them too hard and drove them to it. he also told me that ther is medical prof to back up. again i do not know if it is true. if you are thinking of working for them DO RESERCH
    i am sure if it's true yoy will find somthing. My dad also told me his driver's see there equiment in boneyards alot. Should have talked to him before ever going over there i would have sved myself a lot of trouble and expence. Now alot of you may say that most of that is not gainey's fault whell let me tell you a story. Before i was born my father's company was in realy bad shape and so where my parents. four of his drivers came to him and told him that they hated to leave but they found a company that had beter equiment not pay just equiment they loved working for him they just hated there trucks. So my dad sold his cars the house the faimly store that my mother ran that was passed down from his parents and took a loan from his father("that was hardest part " he has told me). He got enough to buy 7 brand new freightliners ( not top of the line,but thats not the point) not just for the four that wanted them but for all the drivers he had up to that point. he told me that when i was 16 he had just bought me a brand new 96 camero for my birthday and i was mad because it did not have leather(yes i was the bigest ### you'd ever want to meet). I steped out of my life is all about me buble long enough to ask him why in the hell he would give up soo much just to please them. this word for word is what he told me " every time one of my driver's starts that engine there is a chance they will not get to make it home to see there family again And god forbid thats hapens i could not live with myself without knowing i gave them the safest most reliable tuck i could". I grew up around trucking and truckers it has given by father my mother and i soo much evey single driver deserves a leadership and a company like my father's. someday i will take over the company(which is why i do not drive for him now i want to get a much experince i can so i know what to do and what not to do. All i learned from gainy is what not to do.......
    thank you and also i will never say name of my father's company as i do not want to get kicked out.
    creamer Thanks this.
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  3. fbrown01

    fbrown01 Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2006
    my wife and i drove as a team when we were with are trainer they would not let us take a shower for 4 days and my wife got a yeast infection then they were sending her money to our home insted of putting it on the comdat so when she told them she was going to quit they wanted to kick her out at a bus stop in north dakota with no money so we picked up a load going tominors ville p.a. when we stopped at hanover a day early we quit and went home now they are telling other trucking companies we quit under a load when we where about 8hours away from delivery at the home terminal on the 18th and it didn't have to be there till the 19th and we would of been there even earllyer if the trainer didn't take us out of the way to meet his wife and we (goofed) around with her for 5 or 6 hours then insted of goi9ng over the turnpike he wasted more time by taking all the backroads down through north md. just so he could get more miles.
  4. redrocker1055

    redrocker1055 Light Load Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    I am not surpised at all. what did you think of there loging pratice's.
  5. themlilboots

    themlilboots Heavy Load Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    You could always go right down the road and train with L&H trucking. They run pretty much regional PA, NJ, NY, MD, and VA.
  6. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Somethings fishy here. From this writing it suggested that this company pays on the hub. Any company that pays hub miles is not about to permit someone to take the scenic route just to get more miles. Also, unlike PA, most of the roads in MD are off limits to through bound truck traffic, so this driver risked getting a large citation there. The cops love to catch people on Liberty road a.k.a. MD-26 trying to sneak by the scales on I-70.
  7. redrocker1055

    redrocker1055 Light Load Member

    Nov 26, 2006

    No they do not pay hub. pure mover's guid.
  8. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    I didn't think so.
  9. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    From what I can understand of this, you took a load to Minorsville Pa, stopped at Hanover, and quit there. Regardless of when the load was scheduled to be delivered, from that description it does sound like you quit under the load. You had a responsibility to see the load through to delivery, and left employment prior to that happening.

    As for traveling through backroads just to increase miles, if they are paying HHG miles, or any other set form of point to point mileage, then no route will add to or decrease the miles paid.

    I might be interpreting this story wrong, but it sounds to me like the claim of quitting under a load could be valid here.
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    No, I'd say you are reading it right, and I would have to agree.
  11. kc0rey

    kc0rey Medium Load Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Macomb, IL
    Gainey sux..............big time..........but you guys quit under the load........surely your school told you that was a no-no.
    Running Late Thanks this.
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