Question from a retired vet

Discussion in 'Prime' started by swamp72, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. swamp72

    swamp72 Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    Christiansburg, VA
    What are some of the advantages of tanker starting out? Obviously it pays more, anything else. I talked to the recruiter yesterday, my only other worry is i take zoloft for depression, he said he cant discuss medical, Im thinking he could at least provide some direction lol. Anyway, thanks everyone.
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  3. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Hi swamp, 1st, not sure about the meds. If they don't make you drowsy, there shouldn't be a problem. (although, you may need to increase your dosage, once you become a truck driver,,,, just kidding) As far as tanker, I'm not sure how many companies will take a new driver for tanker. It requires a lot of skill, and many companies just can't take the chance, but sometimes they will.Tanker jobs are the best, because, there's no backing into docks, unloading freight, stupid warehouse situations, no pallets. Tanker usually the people that order the product are waiting for it, very few unloading hassles, and many times, it's one way deals, meaning, the tanker jobs I've had, anyway, you unload and get back and haul another load, although, some tanker jobs do require a washout and haul a different product, and that can be a hassle. Tanker jobs are usually the highest paying in the industry, at least they used to be, but that may have changed. Our member Chinatown seems to be the best reference on these matters, and you can either send him a personal message, or he will chime in here. Good luck.
    swamp72 Thanks this.
  4. MaldonadoVet2

    MaldonadoVet2 Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2014
    Phenix City, AL
    According to my trainer.... Some of the advantages are, higher pay, no BS compared to reefer. He used to drive reefer, and the few other tankers I've talked to say the same. Tanker drivers get treated better and I experience nothing majorly bad while I was out during training. Here in Prime we haul food grade so after each delivery we have to get the tank washed or drop it at the tank wash n get a clean one if there's one available at that particular tank wash. Prime hires new drivers into the tanker division.
    swamp72 Thanks this.
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