driver application questions

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by alaskagal, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. alaskagal

    alaskagal Bobtail Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    salcha, alaska
    Hello to all, I am a new driver and have 2 questions about filling out a driver application form for employment.
    One, the questions on the form is; "Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed." What is FMCSRs?
    The other one is; "Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any dot-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR part 40?" What is 49 CFR part 40?
    I have worked for DOT in the past and had drug testing and random drug testing. I also worked for the millitary as a operator and end dump driver. They did not require a CDL on base, unless you applied for a full time year round position.
    Anyone out there have info on these 2 questions for an application?

    Thanks for your time.
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  3. Blaze8

    Blaze8 Bobtail Member

    Jan 14, 2009

    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  4. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Yeah, any OTR company you worked for, if you did in fact work for one, you can answer yes.
    LostOne9 Thanks this.
  5. Jimbo60

    Jimbo60 Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    High desert CA
    The "CFR" part is Code of Federal Regulations. Has to do with drug testing commercial drivers and others.

    I always look at it this way either 1) contact the company recruiter and ask for clarification or 2) if you THINK it applies then the answer is yes.

    You cannot overstate truthfullness on an application. If you make an error that shows your intent was to be totally truthful, rarely will anyone hold it against you. If you make an error of omission that impies that your intent was to be un-truthful, well that's a different story.

    ................. Jim
    GasHauler, Big Don and kickin chicken Thank this.
  6. alaskagal

    alaskagal Bobtail Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    salcha, alaska
    I appreciate the help, thank you.
  7. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    What Jim said. YES!

    Now I can't help but think that since you didn't know the meaning of those terms, that you probably never worked under them. But I could be wrong. . .
    Jimbo60 and kickin chicken Thank this.
  8. dodgetkboy78

    dodgetkboy78 Bobtail Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    Wasilla, AK
    Who are you trying to get on with, Alaskagal?
  9. Jimbo60

    Jimbo60 Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    High desert CA

    That's the rub..... especially in her case. She's been around transportation and drug tested but, does that mean for sure that she has been tested under part 40? Especially since she didn't have a CDL and it seems like everybody drug tests to one degree or another now.

    So..... I think that ultimately my advice would be to call the recruiter or someone in the company that she is applying to and ask their advice on how to answer the question OR, contact the previous employers, if she is comfortable with that, and, ask if it was just company screening or part 40 screening.

    That way if the answer is incorrect, she can show that she used a degree of dilligence to determine the correct answer.

    Dang this stuff can cause a brain cramp sometimes.

    .............. Jim
  10. alaskagal

    alaskagal Bobtail Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    salcha, alaska
    Thank you all for the input on this.
    While working for the Air Force here in Alaska they did not require me to have a CDL. When applying for the position they give you a pile of paperwork to fill and say to sigh here, here, here and here. If you have worked for any gov. like the millitary you will know how jumbled their paperwork wording is, and confusing. I have had to do drug testing for other jobs in the pasd for D.O.T. and for working on the north slope.
    I have been handing out resume's to various companies in the northern area. I am going to go hand in some of the applications that Ive filled out today and hope that I get an interview in the near future. I am also going to go to the Alaska Teamsters hall today and ask questions there. There is alot of summer time work up here, but it wont pick up untill after the road restrictions are lifted. We got another three inches of snow just the other day after having days in the 40's and 50's. I guess it takes new snow to get rid of old snow.
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