support system at home

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by txbluerose, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. txbluerose

    txbluerose Bobtail Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    ft worth texas
    Is any newbie having issue with there partner or girlfriends or spouses that seem wish wash about the time you will be spending on the road. Or for the first few weeks you will be paired up with someone in closes quarters? Or they seemed like they were supportive then turn on you because they wont you home all the time? Maybe it is just me, but I will start school on the 31st and now it seems as tho my partner is not wanting me to go through with it she tells me maybe something will be better that will allow me to be home at night and some other crappy comment.

    Thanks and lets just keep on rolling.
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  3. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Women think differently than men......Today, yes dear.....tomorrow, "can't you blah, blah, blah"....
    dirtyjerz Thanks this.
  4. Svoray

    Svoray Medium Load Member

    Feb 3, 2011
    Wife calls my hours excessive and would like me to find something with fewer hours. Now to be far, I do end up working 150 hours a week often only going home long enough for a 3-4 hr nap and shower. That's the life of an oilfield worker I guess.

    Anyhow, a CDL doesn't mean you have to do OTR. You could get a job with Coke, UPS, or Fedex which offer local CDL jobs. It's just a thought.
  5. txbluerose

    txbluerose Bobtail Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    ft worth texas
    I think it is time to say good bye if she can not support me know when I have not even started I dont think she will then either. We have our issues and I think with me being gone is only going to make it worse. And I want to see the country that is why I am doing this been wanting to since I was 21, but had a job that i thought was going to work and it did for 11 years then i was let go so it seems like the time to take a step forward. Also enjoyed going on the road with my dad when i was younger the idea of seeing parts of the country that I would not see other wise seems like a dream.
  6. GasHauler

    GasHauler Master FMCSA Interpreter

    Oct 23, 2005
    You've got to have a good support system at home. If you don't something will give and it will not be good. Try to see if she can go along on a trip or two. At least then she'll see what it's like and can understand a little better.

    Svoray, 150 hours a week-wow. I hope you're making over $2000 a week for that sacrifice. We would say "You're going to be the richest man in the hospital".
  7. seabring

    seabring Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    First up, driving truck is not a sightseeing holiday so if thats your main reason then good luck but it wont be what youre thinking it will. You need to have a good solid relationship to be trucking OTR. Its not easy on the person at home or driving, its rough on both. Long periods apart and short times together, at times its hard to keep in contact and the stresses of the job can, and do, come out in the conversations. She is obviously concerned about missing you when youre gone and she has the right to express that because its going to happen. You may find that once on the road you will miss being home more than you think you will at the moment. If you know you wont miss her or just dont care what she says about your new lifestyle then your relationship doesnt have the foundation necessary to endure the pressures of you going OTR. If you can compromise with her and reassure her that as soon as you have some more experience you will try hard to find a job with more home time she may be less inclined to hassle you about going OTR. I have been through this exact situation and am now working regional/local and things are better on the homefront, not perfect but better than when i was OTR. But believe me if after a while she gets used to you being gone then its going to take some time for her to get used to you being home as well ! Had this problem also !
    Hanadarko and The Challenger Thank this.
  8. chompi

    chompi Road Train Member

    Jun 21, 2008
    Deland, FL
    You may want to rethink this decision. I can see it heading south very quickly and you haven't left yet. This is the number one reason for newbies quitting and its sounding like you are headed in that direction. You are going to spend a lot of money and time to find this out for yourself.

    Do yourself a huge favor and keep the career search going.
  9. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    I will say that this job is not one for sight seeing. Get a tour bus drivers job if thats what you want to do. The good thing is you can make some good dough out here providing you have your families support. If she can not handle it now, then she will not once you get out with a trainer and your gone for six-eight weeks at a time.

  10. txbluerose

    txbluerose Bobtail Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    ft worth texas
    Well i did not mean to come by that i am just doing this to sight see. I grew up around it and know it takes a lot of work, and that is what i am willing to do, I understand that there are deadlines and time frames you have to get things done not an issue on that part once I get going.I have been unemployed for 7mo. and I am willing and able to complete this new career. I hope that my support is strong enough to last but only time will tell thank you all for your inputs. I have asked her once i get going if she will go on the road with me she said she would but has no intent to drive.
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  11. NewNashGuy

    NewNashGuy Road Train Member

    Jul 27, 2011
    US and Canada
    I was dating for a little while and every girl seemed turned off by my trucking choice or at least tried to talk me into being local. I am about to elope with my ex fiancee soon (hopefully) it would be nice to have someone to come home to. Plus I hope it will help our relationship because she loves hanging out with her girlfriends and being on her own but we have a great time when we are together so perhaps the time apart will make us grow stronger (hopefully).
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