Companies that are willing to train

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by LongRoadTrucker, May 15, 2013.

  1. LongRoadTrucker

    LongRoadTrucker Medium Load Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    Olymbia, WA
    I'm looking to get into the drivers seat, but I'm having issues finding companies that are willing to train you for your CDL. I'd go to trucking school myself, on my own dime, but unfortunately I can't afford it. :biggrin_2557: I don't care what kind of BS I'll have to deal with, as long as the training is good, and it sets the foundation of a career. I work for a whole-sale warehouse currently, but our truck drivers are all contracted. (cheapest method of acquiring transportation for goods).

    I don't care if it's logs, fuel, nukes, water, steer manure, as long as it leads to me earning my Class A, I'm good with it. Regardless of the BS, as long as I can pay my bills on time, I'm willing to stick through at least 2-3 years with a company. (Or would it be better to stick with a single company long-term such as 5-15 years?) Reason being, I keep getting told by Truck Drivings who go through my warehouse, that you don't want to stick with the same company for too long or it makes you "deadweight". i.e. repeating the same year/cargo methods year after year. Or is this false?

    Anyone have any company suggestions that are based or have bases in/around Seattle WA that are hiring? (LTL or OTR, no difference as long as it's Class A) I'd be willing to, over-time, pay for
    endorsements, upkeep, etc.

    I have roughly 2 1/2 to 3 years combined logistics experience, so on a paperwork, dispatch, inventory, and distribution and allocation standpoint and accountability standpoints I'm no stranger. I just want to jump in a truck and do what not many people do.
    Chinatown Thanks this.
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  3. Wolfyinc

    Wolfyinc Road Train Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Salem, or
    I didnt have money either for private school, I searched a lot and ended up going to Swift Academy, I can say the schooling is great and you do learn a lot. My mentor said the students he gets from the academy know and drive better than the ones who go to a private school. I wrote about the academy and my experience if you wish to read it, there are a couple companies but not many who do their own training for a cdl.
    For my personal experience go to and click on the story link, I have listed a couple sites I used for practice test as well.

    Whatever decision you choose good luck!
  4. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    I'm glad your experience at Swift Academy was better than that of the thousands of graduates that had their CDL's revoked .
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Weren't those the Swift drivers that went to the Millington, TN Swift school?

    LongRoadTrucker : If money is real tight, try Prime Inc. or Central Refrigerated. No money needed up front & Prime Inc. pays you $600.00 a week while you're riding with the trainer. Both have good training programs. I think Stevens hires from your area also, but don't know anything about the costs. Prime also offers tanker/flatbed/refrigerated.

    Once you get trained and can move on to another company, if you decide to move on, trans-system will probably hire you and their coprorate office is in Tacoma.
    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  6. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    I'm willing to stick through at least 2-3 years with a company. (Or would it be better to stick with a single company long-term such as 5-15 years?) Reason being, I keep getting told by Truck Drivings who go through my warehouse, that you don't want to stick with the same company for too long or it makes you "deadweight". i.e. repeating the same year/cargo methods year after year. Or is this false?
    Yes, they gave you false information. Job hopping is bad. Don't change jobs unless the pay and benefits is signficantly better. The only other reason to change jobs is if for example, you are OTR and want to go local or regional. Even then, some companies have OTR/Regional/Local within the same company, so you can change without losing seniority or starting over with the benefits package.
  7. StayBusyTrucker

    StayBusyTrucker Medium Load Member

    Mar 25, 2013
    Come to TX get a po box from like a store called Mail Boxes ect.. so it shows up as a address then apply at FFE there academy was good and they will move you right into a driving position with a little training.
  8. Hardwork

    Hardwork Light Load Member

    Apr 23, 2013
    Look in your mirror.
    Stevens Transport trains and employs also there in TX
  9. WavyTrans

    WavyTrans Bobtail Member

    May 15, 2013
    Also am looking for a Company who is willing to train a "NooB"
    Ive fully completed school and attained my CDLA with no endorsements
    I need somewhere that'll help knockoff this "RUST"!
  10. LongRoadTrucker

    LongRoadTrucker Medium Load Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    Olymbia, WA
    I'll apply to Prime, Central, and Swift (definitely not going to there Tennessee school) when I return from work today. (getting ready for work currently).....

    I don't like that I wont get to spend much time at home for a while, but if it's what I need to do........
  11. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Spending a lot of time away from home is not what you "need " to do but it's what you'll end up doing if you follow the herd to Prime , Central , or Swift . Aren't there jobs in the logging industry in WA ? I bet there are government driving jobs for the forestry service . Check state and federal job sites .
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