Line haul training?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by EzT, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. EzT

    EzT Bobtail Member

    Jul 20, 2014
    Toledo, ohio
    Just accepted a job offer for a line haul position. At the interview I stated I had 6 months experience, not a lie, I actually have closer to nine, but I'm not sure I have the experience they expect. For the last nine months I've been driving short shuttle runs for my company. About one mile each way, and only one or two a day. Then I do some yard work for them. I really wanna do line haul work "or think I do" just nervous that I might not make the grade get. I'm not sure if I have a real question or if I'm just talking to calm my nerves. Any advice about what they will expect from a 6 month experienced driver would be appreciated.
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  3. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Hi EzT, Linehaul is probably one of the easiest, although, repetitious jobs there is in trucking, next to dump truck work. I've had several linehaul jobs, and basically involve taking a loaded trailer from one terminal to another, drop it, and either bring another loaded trailer, or empty, back to your original starting point. Once in a great while, I was asked to make a pickup that came in late or the regular P&D driver couldn't get. It's probably one of the most predictable trucking jobs there is. They are hard to land, as most P&D (pickup& delivery) drivers usually go for those jobs when they've had enough of P&D. Good luck, you'll do fine.
    EzT Thanks this.
  4. Moon_beam

    Moon_beam Heavy Load Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    What company is it with and did they tell you how far you would be driving from your terminal or which states you would be driving in? Sounds like you have never gone across a state DOT scale is that correct?
  5. EzT

    EzT Bobtail Member

    Jul 20, 2014
    Toledo, ohio
    I don't want to say the name of the company, not till I feel comfortable there. I've heard a couple horror stories of companies searching their name and it not going well for a driver. The runs they said would very, and that being a low guy on the pole I would get the short runs, toledo to Cleveland and such. They also said that I'd be working the dock as much if not more than driving. But I work a dock now and they pay a whole lot better so that suits me fine, plus milage pay for driving,and experience. I've driven across a scale a few times in driving school
  6. bigdogpile

    bigdogpile Road Train Member

    May 16, 2010
    fontana ca
  7. soremonkeybutt

    soremonkeybutt Light Load Member

    Sep 12, 2014
    well ezt I have been a linehaul driver/trainer with a large ltl for many many years the key things to linehaul first off working nights you must come to the acceptance that you will not have a daytime life sleep during the day is essential a minnimum of 6 hours otherwise you will pay for it on the road I look at it this way I work 8 pm to 6 am in my head I think of it as a day shift ok I got off at 6 so I want to go to bed by 10 and be up by 7pm otherwise it will catch up with you you will get sick in a accident or just have a hard time being productive. the second thing is make sure if you have any health issues address them being sick on the road is no fun or having sleep aphnea. third thing is accept winter is coming be thought consious about the weather at all times look at the current and forcast before you leave and remember under the surface transportation act of 1985 you have the leagal right to refuse to drive in real bad weather conditions and your employer can not punish you.. For the most part linehaul is nice you get away from the traffic the hussle bussle and from a pay prospective you cant beat it . just be patient learn the trade and for the most part its more about overcoming the fatigue and bordem on most days than actually being a difficult job
    EzT Thanks this.
  8. soremonkeybutt

    soremonkeybutt Light Load Member

    Sep 12, 2014
    and yes low man on the totem pole usually gets the shorter runs or the extra board otherwise there would be no incentive to be in it but generally linehaul pays takehome of 700-1200 a week so ya really cant complain
    EzT Thanks this.
  9. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Be honest. If you have a question, ask it. If your running sets of pups and have never hooked, ask a ton of questions. With 6-9 months experience, I would expect you to be able to drive safely and efficiently, shift without grinding gears, and be able to back into a loading dock without needing an hour to do it.
  10. EzT

    EzT Bobtail Member

    Jul 20, 2014
    Toledo, ohio
    See that's what in nervous about, I still occasionally grind my gears. It's mostly when I'm downshifting to 5, or 4 to make a turn. I do decent when I'm on my own bit I'm nervous about having someone looking over my shoulder again.
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