Stevens Transport - Dallas, Tx.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by bb king, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. bb king

    bb king Bobtail Member

    Mar 14, 2005
    LA, FL
    New drivers must be made aware of this!!!
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  3. darodiho

    darodiho Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2005
    dallas, tx
    are yall talking about steven's transport out of dallas, tx the refrigerated carrier??? If you are, i agree with the first person that started this topic. for example their lease program SUCKS big time. They set you up for failure. They start you out with plenty of miles, actually let me rephrase, just enough to make a living and make truck payments. After a month or two, you end up in the negatives, one they don't give you the miles for you to be a successful lease operator, and two their truck payments are extremely high for the piece of equipment they give you. I only been with Stevens for about a year and now currently with John Christner Trucking, which is by far the best company so far, as far as drivers that want to own a truck and make big bucks...
    Kwaione Thanks this.
  4. PortlandDriver

    PortlandDriver RIP, May You Be Heaventown Bound!

    May 30, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    This sounds similar to what Prime does, in opinion is no way to treat a driver.
  5. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    There all the same.Chances are very few will ever complete the lease.
  6. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    All schools do this Turbo, After training you go home and transfer your CDL to your home state CDL.
  7. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    I know that it is being done, but it is completely illegal, and in due time, there could be hundreds of thousands of drivers that may have their licenses invalidated, if the FMCSA has a mind to do it.

    The only reason why it hasn't become an issue, is because most drivers DO transfer their licenses back to their home states, and a tracking system hasn't been developed yet to identify the widespread ignoring of this requirement by the issuing states that are actively issuing licenses in this manner.

    If there were to be some instance of terrorism, and it is exposed that a state issued a license to a non-resident, you can bet that there will be a call for every current CDL to be traced and confirmed to where it was issued, or something similar, and we will all have to eat from another can of opened worms.
    Kwaione Thanks this.
  8. bigfella99

    bigfella99 Bobtail Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Lubbock, TX
    BBKing, thanks for your post regarding Stevens Transport. I was considering them also and I was scheduled to begin their school on Jan 23. During the time I was waiting to begin, I began to realize how little information they had given me up front. I started to ask questions and to be somewhat persistent in getting answers. I got a copy of the contracts that they ask you to sign in Dallas. It occured to me that there would have to be a contract if they were going to seek reimbursement of school expenses. Because I did my own research, I was able to independently verify much of what you included in your post. I commend you for posting so many facts and not just saying they suck. I did learn several new facts from reading your post, such as the trucks being governed at 62mph. I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way what they didn't tell you up front. Hopefully your post will keep some other newbies from getting burned. I cancelled my reservation with Stevens and I am going to a local school in my home town of Lubbock TX. I have since learned that you are usually better off with an independent school if you can afford the up front money, and that many trucking companies will reimburse you after the fact for your school expenses.

    Again, excellent post and I can vouch for the accuracy of much of it because I have independently verified many of the details you provided.
  9. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    From what I've seen, Stevens makes C.R.England look like Angels!!!
    motocross066 Thanks this.
  10. bb king

    bb king Bobtail Member

    Mar 14, 2005
    LA, FL
    Not all skullitor. Many do, but Schneider doesn't. Just remember folks, a company can ask/require that you do something illegal, but it is you that will end up paying the price if YOU get caught.
  11. bigfella99

    bigfella99 Bobtail Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Lubbock, TX
    BB King, I am also interested in the rest of your Stevens experience. Was the 3 week course any good? How were the 5 weeks with the trainer? Did you get a hotel every night or did you have to sleep in the back with the trainer? How were the 3 weeks with your newbie partner? How was life as a Stevens driver? Were the trucks really governed to 62mph? Are you still with Stevens? If not, how aggressively did they pursue the money? If you quit, did they try to make it difficult to get another job? Were you able to make decent money driving for them? How many miles per week did they provide? Any surprises with your pay? How long were you out at a time, and what kind of home time did they allow?

    Your first post was excellent, but you now have me interested in the rest of the story...
    Kwaione Thanks this.
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