force you to run illegal

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by davidjeffrey, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. Rollover the Original

    Rollover the Original Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2009
    Not just someone but a whole freaking line of them!

    I've said it and everyone else ids also!
    Unless someone is sitting in the seat holding a gun to your head or at your home holding your family hostage there is NO SUCH THING AS FORCED YOU TO DO ANYTHING!

    With all the technology available to us these days from satellite communications to cell phones there is just no way that you can't have proof of these coerced loads! You can tape them and this "they must know that you're taping" does NOT apply to you!" You are NOT a law enforcement agency but a private citizen and the law is clear. ONE person has to know about a voice taping and that's you!

    They satellite record will be there for at least 6 months as Qualcomm, Peoplenet and if there is another keep these records on their servers for that long for just in case they get subpoenaed for them which you can do!

    The trucking company can hit that delete key on their keyboard and on the one in the truck all day long but it's NOT going to delete it from those servers at the transmitting station.

    You're covered by voice or copied messages so this "forced you" BULL CRAPOLA needs to be removed from everyone's dictionary!

    You are the one behind the wheel, you are the one in charge of the fuel feed under your foot and the shifter!

    If you so feel that BFI is forcing you to drive illegally go home unload the truck then go to the yard and hand in those keys and then take all your evidence to the DOT and let them handle it, just be sure that you did NOT falsify those logs! CSA will fine you over a thousand dollars for every falsification when it goes into effect!

    Let the powers that be handle BFI company so they learn that to say NO to a moron shipper and receiver not to mention the idiots that can't handle or know how their business works and think ASAP means illegally transport something or that MORON company that has no teams agrees to haul this freight! They are the ones who need to be introduced to the laws of illegal economics! You do the crime you do pay the fines! When it no longer becomes profitable to attempt to haul freight that will cost you in fines later they might stay in business!

    Not to mention that they might keep drivers longer and wind up with drivers they know will get the job done if it's properly dispatched!
    Raincatcher, PurpleKW and chalupa Thank this.
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  3. Raincatcher

    Raincatcher Light Load Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Following "the grey road".
    Not enough No-Doz in the store for me to even think about 1K miles a day! :biggrin_25521: They can't really insist on that, can they? What do you suggest a new driver do if that ever happens? Get in touch with Safety?
  4. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    One time I was given an impossible run with available hours. I contacted safety.

    I was told, we have to do what we need to in order to keep our jobs.

    Left when I got back to the terminal at the end of the week.
  5. Rollover the Original

    Rollover the Original Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2009
    ROFLMAO! I bet they were the ones who pulled out the calculators and a piece of paper and did the "math" and said it could be done!
    Let's not forget that EVERYTHING looks good on paper!
    Now what is considered "overnight?" is it during the hours of darkness?
    from a certain set time like 1800 to 0600?

    Well lets all have some FUN!
    Got paper?
    Let US do the math!
    Truck speed? OK lets me REAL nice and it's 70 in 55 MPH states! (ROFLMFAO!)
    Hours for this over night trip will be from 1800-0600= 12 hours
    and my answer is!....

    Can't be done
    I get 90.9 MPH to get it done in a LEGAL 11!
    OR 14 hours at 70 MPH
    So this was an impossible mission from the start!

    Even in the bad old days maintaining 90.9 MPH was impossible! Heck even when MT had that R&P speed limit, drivers could not maintain that speed so this whole thread is just a pike dream!
    I would really like to know all the information about this load!
    Were to where and the delivery times!
  6. Injun

    Injun Road Train Member

    May 15, 2010
    West o' the Big Crick
    Be careful about recording telephone conversations. Each state has its own laws regarding this. True, the majority of states require only one party to know about it, but there are some that require notification of both parties. In some cases, there will be multiple states involved. My Oregon-based phone number, their Arizona-based landline and whatever state I happen to be sitting in at the time. It would be up to the courts to decide which state would have jurisdiction in such a case. Most likely, it would fall to whichever state the recording was made in. So before trying to use this as evidence, know the laws of the state in which the recording was made.

    But, yes, "dispatcher-busters" are invaluable in cases like this.
  7. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    I believe the guy Rollover. I'm far from bragging, but I've run many 1000 mile trips straight thru. You can do it in about 17 hrs in a 65 mph truck.

    My record is 1200 when I ran produce, I'd wake up in Big Spring, TX at the TA. It was pedal to the metal from there. That truck did 78 mph. 24 hours later I would be in LA. CA line I would slow down to 65mph. I didn't do it because I wanted to. I did it because I was pushed to do it.

    Companies like that you get trapped. You don't know what it will be like that when you hire in. It doesn't happen every trip. You get pressured, but do it on your own free will. I don't know about you but I hate changing jobs and riding a bus to a boring orientation. Lose insurance, gap in pay, clean the truck out, load the new one. Sometimes you have to fill the gap and prepare to quit.

    Like these Tyson loads you get fined $400 if you're late. DOT will fine you $150 if you get caught. You refuse and you sit in the penalty box a couple days. What would you do?
  8. Bumpy

    Bumpy Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    New Ulm,MN
    Not pull a reefer,I guess..:biggrin_25525:
    zentrucking Thanks this.
  9. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    You got it! :biggrin_2559:
    Bumpy Thanks this.
  10. PurpleKW

    PurpleKW Medium Load Member

    Dec 28, 2010
    Chula Vista, CA
    The problem is: if the desk jockey gets tired and falls asleep, nobody else will DIE as a result... :biggrin_2556:
    Rollover the Original Thanks this.
  11. Trckdrvr

    Trckdrvr Heavy Load Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    Very good point.mistakes made in other jobs just dont have the gravity that a mistake made by a driver does.
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