Werner trucking student driver program lawsuit

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by crucifyme, Mar 8, 2012.

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  1. crucifyme

    crucifyme Bobtail Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Have you been part of Student Driver Program of Werner Trucking?
    Where: Any place in the United States.
    When: Any time during the past 3 years.
    If so, you may be eligible to join a collective action nationwide lawsuit.
    This lawsuit alleges that Werner Trucking improperly paid its employees while they attended its Student Driver Program.
    Call us for a FREE consultation to see if you are eligible to be part of this collective action law suit.
    There is no cost for the consultation or to join the lawsuit which is on a contingency basis.
    Contact: Swartz Swidler, LLC Website: www.swartz-legal.com
    Email: jswidler@swartz-legal.com Telephone: 877-529-9501 - 877-LAW-9501:biggrin_25510:http://www.thetruckersreport.com/truckingindustryforum/images/smilies/roundies/biggrin_25510.gif
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  3. crucifyme

    crucifyme Bobtail Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    i drove for 70 hrs a week for $350...i worked more then that ,when you would include helping my trainer when i was off. ..come to find out im not the only one..whether thats your scenario or not if you where in the student driver program chances are you where cheated in what they were required by law to pay you...you owe it to yourself and to new drivers coming in.. so they dont get cheated as well... call these attorneys and find out
  4. BossOutlaw88

    BossOutlaw88 Road Train Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    It will be lost. Werner is giving you a chance.
  5. BossOutlaw88

    BossOutlaw88 Road Train Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    You have to have concrete proof, not just hear-say in court. No matter if it is true or not. Just be glad you even made it through training and have a job.
  6. otherhalftw

    otherhalftw R.I.P.

    Nov 18, 2008
    CA...gold discovery foothills
    "required by law to pay you"....are you referring to the Minimum Wage Law?

    Guess you didn't know that if you are classified a "trainee" that the employer is exempt from minimum wage with that classification of an employee. Plus, if you are in their school (truck driving school, like Swift Academy), you aren't an employee....at least not until they give you an employee ID or Identification Number. As a student on a trainers truck....you are a student, a trainee....no minimum wage standing until you go solo!

    What used to be termed "ambulance chaser", is now called "injury specialist", but still basically the same....scumbag legal counsel ripping off clients! Class Action Lawsuits take years, almost decades to get settled, and who is the "winner"(?)...the lawyers! When you see that "contingency" word....they are really putting the screws to those who were harmed by the respondent in the case.
    NYROADIE, Hammer166, RickG and 2 others Thank this.
  7. Jorihe84

    Jorihe84 Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    North Florida
    Its Werner enterprises ....

    Not Werner "Trucking".

    File a lawsuit and you can't even get a correct name for the company.
  8. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Trucking isn't covered either under the fair labor act like a regular day job at home would be.
    RickG, Lonesome and anj8488 Thank this.
  9. formertaxidriver

    formertaxidriver Heavy Load Member

    Jan 22, 2008
    Aiea, HI
    They loose nothing they weren't out before. What's the harm? You standing up for the Big Blue Screw? Maybe your understanding of law is limited to your truck driving career. Or in other words, as a lawyer, you make a great truck driver!
    OPUS 7, crucifyme and Trstanich Thank this.
  10. otherhalftw

    otherhalftw R.I.P.

    Nov 18, 2008
    CA...gold discovery foothills
    Who? Are you sure it was loose, or could it be that they tightened it up before they lost anymore? [lose is the word you are trying to represent I think!
    Harm? About tying up a court calendar with frivolous cases? About not knowing the established laws regarding pay for trainees? About understanding the Transportation Industry is under a different set of regulations and pay laws as compared to....burger flippers....which also don't get paid minimum wage as trainees!
    Standing up for Werner? Not even...but standing up to pay laws within our industry. Did our OP not know what the pay for trainees was when he signed on to become a truck driver? Or was he not really paying attention that day in orientation when the pay package was discussed? Did he not have in his possession a Driver Manual explaining all the pay, the insurance, the standards Werner asks for, the Safety rules, the HOS rules....should I continue?
    My understanding of our legal system, the ins and outs of courts and cases, also have studied several law suits within this industry. But I am educated in the fact that I have access to these cases both civil and criminal, individual and class action....all you need to do is step away from the taxi waiting line at the airport and search the internet to find anything you want!
    AfterShock, RickG and Hammer166 Thank this.
  11. otherhalftw

    otherhalftw R.I.P.

    Nov 18, 2008
    CA...gold discovery foothills
    I guess the OP is not to be heard from again!
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