Per Diem

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by GyrrwrLori, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. GyrrwrLori

    GyrrwrLori Light Load Member

    Sep 20, 2011
    Toledo, OH
    Does Schneider have forced per diem or are we given a choice? Thanks.
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  3. stlwaco

    stlwaco Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    St. Louis, MO
    first 90 days is forced. after that you can opt out.
  4. mickeyrat

    mickeyrat Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    on my 30 min break
    and in addition you wont know what the rate is. I was told between .09 and .16 a mile.

    This program does NOTHING but help the company by them not having to payout to your social security acct, shortterm you see benefit in bigger pay checks. Also they ARE CHARGING you .02 a mile to "manage" this "benefit".

    As soon as I'm able, I'm off it.
  5. GyrrwrLori

    GyrrwrLori Light Load Member

    Sep 20, 2011
    Toledo, OH
    Thanks for the replies. I have no interest in a per diem plan. I would rather manage my own money. I guess 90 days isn't terrible but I wish we had the choice up front.
  6. guitarduderocks

    guitarduderocks Bobtail Member

    Feb 6, 2012
    Stanchfield, MN
    We also pay Schneider 2 cents a mile for this. (Yes! you are not making what you think!) This only benefits Schneider by letting them out of payroll taxes. I got myself taken off Per Diem the 3rd week. Then a couple weeks ago it just reappeared on my check. The Government gives Truck Drivers an automatic $59 per day you can write off without receipts. (That's a great Deal!) If you spend more than that you don't work for Schneider. I believe Per Diem is a Scam. :biggrin_25510:
  7. Professional-Trucker

    Professional-Trucker Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2011
    Not only do you need receipts, but you also need your logs as proof, that you were away from home and sleeping in a truck. In case of an audit by the IRS.
    cuzzin it Thanks this.
  8. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    It's not a scam.... It's a benefit for the company :)
  9. jakecat22

    jakecat22 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    actually I have spoken to a few accountants about per diem.

    What they all have told me, is that if you are single, don't own a home, and basically don't have deductions, you will actually BENEFIT from having per diem, make more money a year and have a lower tax liability.

    However, if you are married or own a home, and generally don't use the standard deduction because of what you own and can write off, to drop per diem like a bad habit, cause it is hurting you, not helping.
  10. mickeyrat

    mickeyrat Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    on my 30 min break
    being 43 and having worked mostly nonwithhholding jobs , I need all that I can going into my SS aact. So maybe I'll give it 6 months instead of 3. Who were the accoutants? Pm me their names? I want to get a guy anyway, If they know trucking and are local for a face to face, then thats the route I would go.

    I STILL dont like that .02 charge to save THEM money. THAT seems like some sort of extortion or something.
  11. jakecat22

    jakecat22 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    next time I go home I will get their numbers for you...I keep all that stuff at the house, and my wife usually just takes care of it.

    Per Diem does have it's downsides, less into SS is a big one, and when you go to get a loan for a house it really hurts because your gross income is so low.

    I don't have it, but I own a home and have lots of deductions, but if I didn't own a home and was young and single I would keep it.
    GyrrwrLori and mickeyrat Thank this.
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