AVRT Drivers loggin day off on E -Logs (qualcomm)?

Discussion in 'Averitt' started by tscottme, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Inland-Pilot

    Inland-Pilot Light Load Member

    Jun 23, 2010
    Jackson, Ms
    I don't work for Averitt, but if my understanding is correct, this would apply there as well. An elog is incomplete, until approved. It's like signing a paper log, when signed it's states that you approve the information you've provided on it. Also of the understanding is that if you get asked for your logs to be faxed into the scale, at an inspection, it will not fax logs that aren't approved. So one would probably be cited for now being able to provide 8 days of elogs. My understanding is that you can't just hit the approve button and get them faxed immediately either, as it takes a while for them to be processed through the system. So there's a little information to consider at least. Hope it helps.
    tscottme Thanks this.
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  3. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    to the OP your over thinking this
    no need to shut off the elog
    you go off duty after your post trip
    you go on duty for your pretrip
    doesn't matter if it is 10 hours 34 hours or 6 days
    you do need to approve the days you were off
    you only need to sign out of an elog machine if your truck goes in the shop so that the mechanic doesn't go on duty if he is test driving it
    chopper103in Thanks this.

    TROOPER to TRUCKER Anything Is Possible

    Dec 15, 2014
    Charlotte, NC
    Well Ill have to take a look at mine, I go back in tomorrow sometime and when I go in Ill have to approve and will check out the resource material in the book all on my 10.
  5. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Thanks for the reply. Your reply agrees with the previous help from others for the "logging off-duty" question. Thanks.
  6. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Thanks for your answer.
  7. Jeepman1

    Jeepman1 Light Load Member

    Dec 24, 2009
    I've been on E-logs since the beginning....When you go off duty at the end of your work week, you log off the computer. The reason why.....If some one else moves the truck (the shop, yard personnel, another driver) and you are not logged off, your logs will be charged....which means you will not be credited for a 34hr restart or 10brk. You must approve your logs daily....if stopped by the DOT and you have not approved your logs, you will be charged with a violation.
    Before you log off at the end of your work week, make sure you are showing OFF DUTY, then approve your logs, then LOG OFF the computer.
  8. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Thanks Jeepman. I appreciate the answer. I think the original question is now thoroughly answered.

    I'm dedicated in a daycab, so I'm home daily. We haven't started the e-logs just yet. But I'm trying to decide when to Approve my e-logs since I start late on one afternoon, work past midnight a few hours, go home, and then start my next "day" late in the afternoon on the same day I stopped working the last day.

    On paper, I just run my logbook as a noon-to-noon page, which is thoroughly legal and acceptable. But if I approve "yesterday's e-log that will actually be on the same day as the start of my next day. I'm sure one I start doing it things will be clearer. Everybody seems to say everybody likes it, so I expect it will be fine. I never run close on hours for a day or week. I probably forgot how to be creative since I haven't done it since joining AVRT.

    See ya.
  9. Jeepman1

    Jeepman1 Light Load Member

    Dec 24, 2009
    Do you slip seat?...If so, then you must log out of the computer at the end of your shift. Even if you do not slip seat...it's a good idea in case one of the other drivers truck breaks down and they use yours.....Remember..., log off duty, approve your logs, then log off the computer.
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